R package to read and write .las
and .laz
binary files used to store LiDAR data.
relies on a modified version of the open source parts of LAStools. LASlib
and LASzip
were modified to be compatible with R
. The library can therefore be compiled into R
without any complaints from R CMD check
It enables users to read and write into R binary files commonly used to store LiDAR data in R both at the R level and at the C++ level.
Install rlas
- The latest released version from CRAN with
- The latest development version from github with
devtools::install_github("Jean-Romain/rlas", dependencies=TRUE)
To install the package from github make sure you have a working development environment.
- Windows: Install Rtools.exe.
- Mac: Install
from the Mac App Store. - Linux: Install the R development package, usually called
Read las and laz files
lasdata = read.las("<myfile.las>")
lasheader = read.lasheader("<myfile.las>")
Copyright Information
contains code written by both Jean-Romain Roussel and Martin Isenburg. The latter is included
for technical reasons. Details below.
- For
:- (c) 2007-2015 martin.isenburg@rapidlasso.com - http://rapidlasso.com
- Provided under LGPL license and modified to be R-compliant by Jean-Romain Roussel. Each modification is dated and registered into the file headers.
- For
code enabling Martin Isenburg's code to be wrapped into R:- (c) 2016 Jean-Romain Roussel
- Provided under GPL-3 license.