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Export the predicted gene-pair interactions calculated by upstream function 'linkGenesAndPeaks' into an Interact Track file which is compatible with UCSC Genome Browser.
makeInteractTrack(corr.mat, genes.list, output_path, path_to_coords)
A sparse matrix with peak names as rows and gene symbols as columns.
A list of the genes symbols to be tested. If not specified, this function will use all the gene symbols from the matrix passed to gmat by default.
Path in which the output file will be stored.
Path to the gene coordinates file.
An Interact Track file stored in the specified path.
# NOT RUN { # some gene-peak correlation matrix: regent makeInteractTrack(regnet, path_to_coords = 'some_path_to_gene_coordinates/hg19_genes.bed') # }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab