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Identify the biological pathways (gene sets from Reactome) that each metagene (factor) might belongs to.
runGSEA( object, gene_sets = c(), mat_w = TRUE, mat_v = 0, custom_gene_sets = c() )
liger object.
A list of the Reactome gene sets names to be tested. If not specified, this function will use all the gene sets from the Reactome by default
This indicates whether to use the shared factor loadings 'W' (default TRUE)
This indicates which V matrix to be added to the analysis. It can be a numeric number or a list of the numerics.
A named list of character vectors of entrez gene ids. If not specified, this function will use all the gene symbols from the input matrix by default
A list of matrices with GSEA analysis for each factor
# NOT RUN { # ligerex (liger object), factorization complete wilcox.results <- runGSEA(ligerex) wilcox.results <- runGSEA(ligerex, mat_v = c(1, 2)) # } # NOT RUN { # }
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