- object
object with data stored in HDF5 files. Should normalize, select genes, and scale before calling.
- X_new
List of new datasets for scenario 2 or scenario 3. Each list element should be the name of an HDF5 file.
- projection
Perform data integration by shared metagene (W) projection (scenario 3). (default FALSE)
- W.init
Optional initialization for W. (default NULL)
- V.init
Optional initialization for V (default NULL)
- H.init
Optional initialization for H (default NULL)
- A.init
Optional initialization for A (default NULL)
- B.init
Optional initialization for B (default NULL)
- k
Inner dimension of factorization--number of metagenes (default 20). A value in the range 20-50 works well for most analyses.
- lambda
Regularization parameter. Larger values penalize dataset-specific effects more
strongly (ie. alignment should increase as lambda increases). We recommend always using the default value except
possibly for analyses with relatively small differences (biological replicates, male/female comparisons, etc.)
in which case a lower value such as 1.0 may improve reconstruction quality. (default 5.0).
- max.epochs
Maximum number of epochs (complete passes through the data). (default 5)
- miniBatch_max_iters
Maximum number of block coordinate descent (HALS algorithm) iterations to perform for
each update of W and V (default 1). Changing this parameter is not recommended.
- miniBatch_size
Total number of cells in each minibatch (default 5000). This is a reasonable default, but a smaller value
such as 1000 may be necessary for analyzing very small datasets. In general, minibatch size should be no larger than the number
of cells in the smallest dataset.
- h5_chunk_size
Chunk size of input hdf5 files (default 1000). The chunk size should be no larger than the batch size.
- seed
Random seed to allow reproducible results (default 123).
- verbose
Print progress bar/messages (TRUE by default)