# dgCMatrix (common sparse matrix class), usually obtained from other
# container object, and contains multiple samples merged in one.
matList <- rawData(pbmc)
multiSampleMatrix <- mergeSparseAll(matList)
# The `datasetVar` argument expects the variable assigning the sample source
pbmc2 <- as.liger(multiSampleMatrix, datasetVar = pbmc$dataset)
# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
assays = list(counts = multiSampleMatrix)
sce$sample <- pbmc$dataset
pbmc3 <- as.liger(sce, datasetVar = "sample")
if (requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
seu <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(multiSampleMatrix)
# Seurat creates variable "orig.ident" by identifying the cell barcode
# prefixes, which is indeed what we need in this case. Users might need
# to be careful and have it confirmed first.
pbmc4 <- as.liger(seu, datasetVar = "orig.ident")
# As per Seurat V5 updates with layered data, specifically helpful udner the
# scenario of dataset integration. "counts" and etc for each datasets can be
# split into layers.
seu5 <- seu
seu5[["RNA"]] <- split(seu5[["RNA"]], pbmc$dataset)
pbmc5 <- as.liger(seu5)
# }
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