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rliger (version 2.0.1)

createLiger: Create liger object


This function allows creating liger object from multiple datasets of various forms (See rawData).

DO make a copy of the H5AD files because rliger functions write to the files and they will not be able to be read back to Python. This will be fixed in the future.


  modal = NULL,
  cellMeta = NULL,
  removeMissing = TRUE,
  addPrefix = "auto",
  formatType = "10X",
  anndataX = "X",
  dataName = NULL,
  indicesName = NULL,
  indptrName = NULL,
  genesName = NULL,
  barcodesName = NULL,
  newH5 = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE),
  raw.data = rawData,
  take.gene.union = NULL,
  remove.missing = removeMissing,
  format.type = formatType,
  data.name = dataName,
  indices.name = indicesName,
  indptr.name = indptrName,
  genes.name = genesName,
  barcodes.name = barcodesName



Named list of datasets. Required. Elements allowed include a matrix, a Seurat object, a SingleCellExperiment object, an AnnData object, a ligerDataset object or a filename to an HDF5 file. See detail for HDF5 reading.


Character vector for modality setting. Use one string for all datasets, or the same number of strings as the number of datasets. Currently options of "default", "rna", "atac", "spatial" and "meth" are supported.


data.frame of metadata at single-cell level. Default NULL.


Logical. Whether to remove cells that do not have any counts and features not expressed in any cells from each dataset. Default TRUE.


Logical. Whether to add "<dataset name>_" as a prefix of cell identifiers (e.g. barcodes) to avoid duplicates in multiple libraries ( common with 10X data). Default "auto" detects if matrix columns already has the exact prefix or not. Logical value forces the action.


Select preset of H5 file structure. Current available options are "10x" and "anndata". Can be either a single specification for all datasets or a character vector that match with each dataset.


The HDF5 path to the raw count data in an H5AD file. See createH5LigerDataset Details. Default "X".

dataName, indicesName, indptrName

The path in a H5 file for the raw sparse matrix data. These three types of data stands for the x, i, and p slots of a dgCMatrix-class object. Default NULL uses formatType preset.

genesName, barcodesName

The path in a H5 file for the gene names and cell barcodes. Default NULL uses formatType preset.


When using HDF5 based data and subsets created after removing missing cells/features, whether to create new HDF5 files for the subset. Default TRUE. If FALSE, data will be subset into memory and can be dangerous for large scale analysis.


Logical. Whether to show information of the progress. Default getOption("ligerVerbose") or TRUE if users have not set.


Additional slot values that should be directly placed in object.

raw.data, remove.missing, format.type, data.name, indices.name, indptr.name, genes.name, barcodes.name

Deprecated. See Usage section for replacement.


Defuncted. Will be ignored.

See Also

createLigerDataset, createH5LigerDataset


Run this code
# Create from raw count matrices
ctrl.raw <- rawData(pbmc, "ctrl")
stim.raw <- rawData(pbmc, "stim")
pbmc1 <- createLiger(list(ctrl = ctrl.raw, stim = stim.raw))

# Create from H5 files
h5Path <- system.file("extdata/ctrl.h5", package = "rliger")
tempPath <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
file.copy(from = h5Path, to = tempPath)
lig <- createLiger(list(ctrl = tempPath))

# Create from other container object
if (requireNamespace("SeuratObject", quietly = TRUE)) {
    ctrl.seu <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(ctrl.raw)
    stim.seu <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(stim.raw)
    pbmc2 <- createLiger(list(ctrl = ctrl.seu, stim = stim.seu))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab