object is the main data container for LIGER
analysis in R. The slot datasets
is a list where each element should
be a ligerDataset object containing dataset specific
information, such as the expression matrices. The other parts of liger object
stores information that can be shared across the analysis, such as the cell
metadata and factorization result matrices.
This manual provides explanation to the liger
object structure as well
as usage of class-specific methods. Please see detail sections for more
For liger
objects created with older versions of rliger package,
please try updating the objects individually with
datasets(x, check = NULL)datasets(x, check = TRUE) <- value
dataset(x, dataset = NULL)
dataset(x, dataset, type = NULL, qc = TRUE) <- value
columns = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL, = FALSE,
columns = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL,
inplace = FALSE,
check = FALSE
) <- value
defaultCluster(x, useDatasets = NULL, ...)
defaultCluster(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, ...) <- value
dimReds(x) <- value
dimRed(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL, ...)
dimRed(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL, ...) <- value
defaultDimRed(x, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL)
defaultDimRed(x) <- value
varFeatures(x, check = TRUE) <- value
varUnsharedFeatures(x, dataset = NULL)
varUnsharedFeatures(x, dataset, check = TRUE) <- value
commands(x, funcName = NULL, arg = NULL)
# S4 method for liger
# S4 method for liger
# S4 method for liger
# S4 method for liger,list
dimnames(x) <- value
# S4 method for liger
datasets(x, check = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,logical
datasets(x, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,missing
datasets(x, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,character_OR_NULL
dataset(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,missing
dataset(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,numeric
dataset(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,character,missing,ANY,ligerDataset
dataset(x, dataset, type = NULL, qc = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,character,ANY,ANY,matrixLike
dataset(x, dataset, type = c("rawData", "normData"), qc = FALSE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,character,missing,ANY,NULL
dataset(x, dataset, type = NULL, qc = TRUE) <- value
# S3 method for liger
# S3 method for liger
names(x) <- value
# S3 method for liger
# S3 method for liger
lengths(x, use.names = TRUE)
# S4 method for liger,NULL
columns = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL, = FALSE,
# S4 method for liger,character
columns = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL, = FALSE,
# S4 method for liger,missing
columns = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL, = FALSE,
# S4 method for liger,missing
cellMeta(x, columns = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL, check = FALSE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,character
columns = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL,
inplace = TRUE,
check = FALSE
) <- value
# S4 method for liger
rawData(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,matrixLike_OR_NULL
rawData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,H5D
rawData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger
normData(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,matrixLike_OR_NULL
normData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,H5D
normData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY
scaleData(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,matrixLike_OR_NULL
scaleData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,H5D
scaleData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,H5Group
scaleData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,character
scaleUnsharedData(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,numeric
scaleUnsharedData(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,matrixLike_OR_NULL
scaleUnsharedData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,H5D
scaleUnsharedData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,H5Group
scaleUnsharedData(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,ANY
slot = c("rawData", "normData", "scaleData", "scaleUnsharedData", "H", "V", "U", "A",
"B", "W", "H.norm"),
dataset = NULL,
returnList = FALSE
# S4 method for liger,ANY
getH5File(x, dataset = NULL)
# S3 method for liger
[[(x, i) <- value
# S3 method for liger
$(x, name)
# S3 method for liger
$(x, name) <- value
# S4 method for liger
defaultCluster(x, useDatasets = NULL, droplevels = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,character
defaultCluster(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, ...) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,factor
defaultCluster(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, ...) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,NULL
defaultCluster(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, ...) <- value
# S4 method for liger
# S4 method for liger,list
dimReds(x) <- value
# S4 method for liger,missing_OR_NULL
dimRed(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL, ...)
# S4 method for liger,index
dimRed(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL, ...)
# S4 method for liger,index,ANY,ANY,NULL
dimRed(x, name = NULL, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = NULL, ...) <- value
# S4 method for liger,character,ANY,ANY,matrixLike
name = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
cellIdx = NULL,
asDefault = NULL,
inplace = FALSE,
) <- value
# S4 method for liger
defaultDimRed(x, useDatasets = NULL, cellIdx = cellIdx)
# S4 method for liger,character
defaultDimRed(x) <- value
# S4 method for liger
# S4 method for liger,ANY,character
varFeatures(x, check = TRUE) <- value
# S4 method for liger,ANY
varUnsharedFeatures(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for liger,ANY,ANY,character
varUnsharedFeatures(x, dataset, check = TRUE) <- value
# S3 method for liger
fortify(model, data, ...)
# S3 method for liger
# S4 method for liger
commands(x, funcName = NULL, arg = NULL)
# S4 method for ligerDataset,missing
varUnsharedFeatures(x, dataset = NULL)
# S4 method for ligerDataset,missing,ANY,character
varUnsharedFeatures(x, dataset = NULL, check = TRUE) <- value
See detailed sections for explanetion.
Input liger object updated with replaced/new variable in
A liger object
Logical, whether to perform object validity check on setting new
value. Users are not supposed to set FALSE
Metadata value to be inserted
Name or numeric index of a dataset
When using dataset<-
with a matrix like value
specify what type the matrix is. Choose from "rawData"
or "scaleData"
Logical, whether to perform general qc on added new dataset.
The names of available variables in cellMeta
slot. When = TRUE
, please use variable names after coercion.
Setter or getter method should only apply on cells in
specified datasets. Any valid character, numeric or logical subscriber is
acceptable. Default NULL
works with all datasets.
Valid cell subscription to subset retrieved variables. Default
uses all cells.
Logical, whether to apply
on the subscription. Default FALSE
See detailed sections for explanation.
For cellMeta<-
method, when columns
is for
existing variable and useDatasets
or cellIdx
indicate partial
insertion to the object, whether to by default (TRUE
) in-place insert
into the variable for selected cells or to replace the whole
variable with non-selected part left as NA.
The name of available variables in cellMeta
slot or the
name of a new variable to store.
See Command records section.
Whether returned vector should be named with dataset names.
Name of slot to retrieve matrix from. Options shown in Usage.
Logical, whether to force return a list even when only one
dataset-specific matrix (i.e. expression matrices, H, V or U) is requested.
Default FALSE
Name or numeric index of cell meta variable to be replaced
Whether to remove unused cluster levels from the factor
object fetched by defaultCluster()
. Default FALSE
Whether to set the inserted dimension reduction matrix as
default for visualization methods. Default NULL
sets it when no
default has been set yet, otherwise does not change current default.
fortify method required argument. Not used.
list of ligerDataset objects. Use generic
, dataset<-
, datasets
or datasets<-
interact with. See detailed section accordingly.
DFrame object for cell metadata. Pre-existing
metadata, QC metrics, cluster labeling, low-dimensional embedding and etc.
are all stored here. Use generic cellMeta
, cellMeta<-
, [[]]
or [[]]<-
to interact with. See detailed section
Character vector of feature names. Use generic
or varFeatures<-
to interact with. See detailed
section accordingly.
Matrix of gene loading for each factor. See
Matrix of aligned factor loading for each cell. See
and runIntegration
List of ligerCommand objects. Record of
analysis. Use commands
to retrieve information. See detailed section
List for unstructured meta-info of analyses or presets.
Record of version of rliger package
method only accesses the datasets
slot, the list of
ligerDataset objects. dataset()
method accesses a single
dataset, with subsequent cell metadata updates and checks bonded when adding
or modifying a dataset. Therefore, when users want to modify something inside
a ligerDataset
while no cell metadata change should happen, it is
recommended to use: datasets(x)[[name]] <- ligerD
for efficiency,
though the result would be the same as dataset(x, name) <- ligerD
and names()
methods are implemented to access the
number and names of datasets. names<-
method is supported for
modifying dataset names, with taking care of the "dataset" variable in cell
For liger
object, rawData()
, normData
and scaleUnsharedData()
methods are exported for
users to access the corresponding feature expression matrix with
specification of one dataset. For retrieving a type of matrix from multiple
datasets, please use getMatrix()
When only one matrix is expected to be retrieved by getMatrix()
, the
matrix itself will be returned. A list will be returned if multiple matrices
is requested (by querying multiple datasets) or returnList
is set to
Three approaches are provided for access of cell metadata. A generic function
is implemented with plenty of options and multi-variable
accessibility. Besides, users can use double-bracket (e.g.
) or dollor-sign (e.g. ligerObj$nUMI
) to
access or modify single variables.
For users' convenience of generating a customized ggplot with available cell
metadata, the S3 method fortify.liger
is implemented. With this under
the hook, users can create simple ggplots by directly starting with
ggplot(ligerObj, aes(...))
where cell metadata variables can be
directly thrown into aes()
Special partial metadata insertion is implemented specifically for mapping
categorical annotation from sub-population (subset object) back to original
experiment (full-size object). For example, when sub-clustering and
annotation is done for a specific cell-type of cells (stored in
) subset from an experiment (stored as obj
), users can do
cellMeta(obj, "sub_ann", cellIdx = colnames(subobj)) <- subobj$sub_ann
to map the value back, leaving other cells non-annotated with NAs. Plotting
with this variable will then also show NA cells with default grey color.
Furthermore, sub-clustering labels for other cell types can also be mapped
to the same variable. For example, cellMeta(obj, "sub_ann",
cellIdx = colnames(subobj2)) <- subobj2$sub_ann
. As long as the labeling
variables are stored as factor class (categorical), the levels (category
names) will be properly handled and merged. Other situations follow the R
default behavior (e.g. categories might be converted to integer numbers if
mapped to numerical variable in the original object). Note that this feature
is only available with using the generic function cellMeta
but not
with the `[[`
or `$`
accessing methods due to syntax reasons.
The generic defaultCluster
works as both getter and setter. As a
setter, users can do defaultCluster(obj) <- "existingVariableName"
set a categorical variable as default cluster used for visualization or
downstream analysis. Users can also do defaultCluster(obj,
"newVarName") <- factorOfLabels
to push new labeling into the object and set
as default. For getter method, the function returns a factor object of the
default cluster labeling. Argument useDatasets
can be used for
requiring that given or retrieved labeling should match with cells in
specified datasets. We generally don't recommend setting "dataset"
a default cluster because it is a preserved (always existing) field in
metadata and can lead to meaningless result when running analysis that
utilizes both clustering information and the dataset source information.
Currently, low-dimensional representaion of cells, presented as dense
matrices, are all stored in dimReds
slot, and can totally be accessed
with generics dimRed
and dimRed<-
. Adding a dimRed to the
object looks as simple as dimRed(obj, "name") <- matrixLike
. It can
be retrieved back with dimRed(obj, "name")
. Similar to having a
default cluster labeling, we also constructed the feature of default dimRed.
It can be set with defaultDimRed(obj) <- "existingMatLikeVar"
and the
matrix can be retrieved with defaultDimRed(obj)
The varFeatures
slot allows for character vectors of gene names.
returns this vector and value
method has to be a character vector or NULL
The replacement method, when check = TRUE
performs checks on gene
name consistency check across the scaleData
, H
, V
of inner ligerDataset
objects as well as the W
slots of the input liger
rliger functions, that perform calculation and update the liger
object, will be recorded in a ligerCommand
object and stored in the
slot, a list, of liger
object. Method
is implemented to retrieve or show the log history.
Running with funcName = NULL
(default) returns all command labels.
Specifying funcName
allows partial matching to all command labels
and returns a subset list (of ligerCommand
object) of matches (or
the ligerCommand
object if only one match found). If arg
further specified, a subset list of parameters from the matches will be
returned. For example, requesting a list of resolution values used in
all louvain cluster attempts: commands(ligerObj, "louvainCluster",
For a liger
object, the column orientation is assigned for
cells. Due to the data structure, it is hard to define a row index for the
object, which might contain datasets that vary in number of
Therefore, for liger
objects, dim
and dimnames
for rows and total cell counts/barcodes for the
For direct call of dimnames<-
method, value
should be a list
with NULL
as the first element and valid cell identifiers as the
second element. For colnames<-
method, the character vector of cell
identifiers. rownames<-
method is not applicable.
For more detail of subsetting a liger
object or a
ligerDataset object, please check out subsetLiger
and subsetLigerDataset
. Here, we set the S4 method
"single-bracket" [
as a quick wrapper to subset a liger
Note that j
serves as cell subscriptor which can be any valid index
refering the collection of all cells (i.e. rownames(cellMeta(obj))
While i
, the feature subscriptor can only be character vector because
the features for each dataset can vary. ...
arugments are passed to
so that advanced options are allowed.
The list of datasets
the rows of cellMeta
slot and the list of commands
slot will
be simply concatenated. Variable features in varFeatures
slot will be
taken a union. The \(W\) and \(H.norm\) matrices are not taken into
account for now.
# Methods for base generics
pbmcPlot[varFeatures(pbmcPlot)[1:10], 1:10]
# rliger generics
## Retrieving dataset(s), replacement methods available
dataset(pbmcPlot, "ctrl")
dataset(pbmcPlot, 2)
## Retrieving cell metadata, replacement methods available
## Retrieving dimemtion reduction matrix
head(dimRed(pbmcPlot, "UMAP"))
## Retrieving variable features, replacement methods available
## Command record/history
pbmcPlot <- scaleNotCenter(pbmcPlot)
commands(pbmcPlot, funcName = "scaleNotCenter")
# S3 methods
pbmcPlot2 <- pbmcPlot
names(pbmcPlot2) <- paste0(names(pbmcPlot), 2)
c(pbmcPlot, pbmcPlot2)
ggplot(pbmcPlot, aes(x = UMAP_1, y = UMAP_2)) + geom_point()
# Add new variable
pbmc[["newVar"]] <- 1
# Change existing variable
pbmc[["newVar"]][1:3] <- 1:3
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab