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rliger (version 2.0.1)

makeInteractTrack: Deprecated functions in package rliger.


The functions listed below are deprecated and will be defunct in the near future. When possible, alternative functions with similar functionality or a replacement are also mentioned. Help pages for deprecated functions are available at help("<function>-deprecated").


  genes.list = NULL,
  output_path = getwd()

louvainCluster( object, resolution = 1, k = 20, prune = 1/15, eps = 0.1, nRandomStarts = 10, nIterations = 100, random.seed = 1, verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE), dims.use = NULL )

optimizeALS( object, k, lambda = 5, thresh = NULL, max.iters = 30, nrep = 1, H.init = NULL, W.init = NULL, V.init = NULL, use.unshared = FALSE, rand.seed = 1, print.obj = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ... )

online_iNMF( object, X_new = NULL, projection = FALSE, W.init = NULL, V.init = NULL, H.init = NULL, A.init = NULL, B.init = NULL, k = 20, lambda = 5, max.epochs = 5, miniBatch_max_iters = 1, miniBatch_size = 5000, h5_chunk_size = 1000, seed = 123, verbose = TRUE )

quantile_norm( object, quantiles = 50, ref_dataset = NULL, min_cells = 20, knn_k = 20, dims.use = NULL, do.center = FALSE, max_sample = 1000, eps = 0.9, refine.knn = TRUE, clusterName = "H.norm_cluster", rand.seed = 1, verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE) )

makeRiverplot( object, cluster1, cluster2, cluster_consensus = NULL, min.frac = 0.05, min.cells = 10, river.yscale = 1, river.lty = 0, river.node_margin = 0.1, label.cex = 1, label.col = "black", lab.srt = 0, river.usr = NULL, node.order = "auto" )



For makeInteractTrack, use exportInteractTrack.


For louvainCluster, use runCluster(method = "louvain") as the replacement, while runCluster with default method = "leiden" is more recommended.


For optimizeALS, use runIntegration or runINMF. For the case of optimizeALS(use.unshared = TRUE), use runIntegration with method = "UINMF" or runUINMF instead.


For online_iNMF, use runIntegration with method = "online" or runOnlineINMF.


For quantile_norm, use quantileNorm.


For makeRiverplot, use plotSankey as the replacement.