# Save and read regular current-version liger object
tempPath <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
saveRDS(pbmc, tempPath)
pbmc <- readLiger(tempPath, dimredName = NULL)
# Save and read H5-based liger object
h5Path <- system.file("extdata/ctrl.h5", package = "rliger")
h5tempPath <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
file.copy(from = h5Path, to = h5tempPath)
lig <- createLiger(list(ctrl = h5tempPath))
tempPath <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
saveRDS(lig, tempPath)
lig <- readLiger(tempPath)
if (FALSE) {
# Read a old liger object <= 1.0.1
# Assume the dimensionality reduction method applied was UMAP
# Assume the clustering was derived with Louvain method
lig <- readLiger(
filename = "path/to/oldLiger.rds",
dimredName = "UMAP",
clusterName = "louvain",
update = TRUE
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab