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Only retrieve data from specific slot to reduce memory used by a whole liger object of the subset. Useful for plotting. Internally used by plotDimRed and plotCellViolin.
retrieveCellFeature( object, feature, slot = c("rawData", "normData", "scaleData", "H", "H.norm", "cellMeta", "rawPeak", "normPeak"), cellIdx = NULL, ... )
A matrix object where rows are cells and columns are specified features.
liger object
Gene names, factor index or cell metadata variable names. Should be available in specified slot.
Exactly choose from "rawData", "normData", "scaleData", "H", "H.norm" or "cellMeta".
Any valid type of index that subset from all cells. Default NULL uses all cells.
Additional arguments passed to subsetLiger when slot is one of "rawData", "normData" or "scaleData".
S100A8Exp <- retrieveCellFeature(pbmc, "S100A8") qcMetrics <- retrieveCellFeature(pbmc, c("nUMI", "nGene", "mito"), slot = "cellMeta")
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