Calculate number of UMIs, number of detected features and percentage of feature subset (e.g. mito) expression per cell.
mito = TRUE,
ribo = TRUE,
hemo = TRUE,
features = NULL,
pattern = NULL,
useDatasets = NULL,
chunkSize = 1000,
verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE)
Updated object
with nUMI
, nGene
in cellMeta(object)
, as well as expression percentage value for each
feature subset.
liger object with rawData
available in
each ligerDataset embedded
Whether to calculate the expression percentage of
mitochondrial, ribosomal or hemoglobin genes, respectively. Default
Feature names matching the feature subsets that users want to
calculate the expression percentage with. A vector for a single subset, or a
named list for multiple subset. Default NULL
Regex patterns for matching the feature subsets that users
want to calculate the expression percentage with. A vector for a single
subset, or a named list for multiple subset. Default NULL
A character vector of the names, a numeric or logical
vector of the index of the datasets to be included for QC. Default
performs QC on all datasets.
Integer number of cells to include in a chunk when working
on HDF5 based dataset. Default 1000
Logical. Whether to show information of the progress. Default
if users have not set.