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rmarkdown (version 2.25)

run: Run a Shiny document


Start a Shiny server for the given document, and render it for display.


  file = "index.Rmd",
  dir = dirname(file),
  default_file = NULL,
  auto_reload = TRUE,
  shiny_args = NULL,
  render_args = NULL


Invisible NULL.



Path to the R Markdown document to launch in a web browser. Defaults to index.Rmd in the current working directory, but may be NULL to skip launching a browser.


The directory from which to to read input documents. Defaults to the parent directory of file.


The file to serve at the Shiny server's root URL. If NULL (the default), a sensible default is chosen (see Details)


If TRUE (the default), automatically reload the Shiny application when the file currently being viewed is changed on disk.


Additional arguments to runApp.


Additional arguments to render.


The run function runs a Shiny document by starting a Shiny server associated with the document. The shiny_args parameter can be used to configure the server; see the runApp documentation for details.

Once the server is started, the document will be rendered using render. The server will initiate a render of the document whenever necessary, so it is not necessary to call run every time the document changes: if auto_reload is TRUE, saving the document will trigger a render. You can also manually trigger a render by reloading the document in a Web browser.

The server will render any R Markdown (.Rmd) document in dir; the file argument specifies only the initial document to be rendered and viewed. You can therefore link to other documents in the directory using standard Markdown syntax, e.g. [Analysis Page 2](page2.Rmd).

If default_file is not specified, nor is a file specified on the URL, then the default document to serve at / is chosen from (in order of preference):

  • If dir contains only one Rmd, that Rmd.

  • The file index.Rmd, if it exists in dir.

  • The first Rmd that has runtime: shiny in its YAML metadata.

  • The file index.html (or index.htm), if it exists in dir.

If you wish to share R code between your documents, place it in a file named global.R in dir; it will be sourced into the global environment.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Run the Shiny document "index.Rmd" in the current directory

# Run the Shiny document "shiny_doc.Rmd" on port 8241
rmarkdown::run("shiny_doc.Rmd", shiny_args = list(port = 8241))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab