The class is returned by calling the function dccsim
:Object of class "vector"
simulation list.
:Object of class "vector"
Model specification
Class "'>mGARCHsim"
, directly.
Class "'>GARCHsim"
, by class "mGARCHsim", distance 2.
Class "'>rGARCH"
, by class "mGARCHsim", distance 3.
signature(object = "DCCsim")
The conditional mean simulated data matrix given additional argument
‘sim’ denoting the simulation run (m.sim
) to return values
signature(object = "DCCsim")
The simulated dynamic conditional correlation array given additional
arguments ‘sim’ denoting the simulation run (m.sim
) to
return values for, and ‘type’ (either “R” for the correlation
else will return the Q matrix). A further argument ‘output’ allows to
switch between “array” and “matrix” returned object.
signature(object = "DCCsim")
The simulated dynamic conditional covariance array given additional argument
‘sim’ denoting the simulation run (m.sim
) to return values
for. A further argument ‘output’ allows to switch between “array”
and “matrix” returned object.
signature(object = "DCCsim")
The univariate simulated conditional sigma matrix given additional argument
‘sim’ (m.sim
) denoting the simulation run to return values
signature(object = "DCCsim")
Engle, R.F. and Sheppard, K. 2001, Theoretical and empirical properties of dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH, NBER Working Paper.