The class is returned by calling the function cgarchspec
:Object of class "vector"
The multivariate model specification
:Object of class "uGARCHmultispec"
The univariate model specification.
Class "'>mGARCHspec"
, directly.
Class "'>GARCHspec"
, by class "mGARCHspec", distance 2.
Class "'>rGARCH"
, by class "mGARCHspec", distance 3.
signature(object = "cGARCHspec")
signature(object = "cGARCHspec", value = "vector")
Set fixed second stage parameters.
signature(object = "cGARCHspec", value = "vector")
Set starting second stage parameters.
Joe, H. Multivariate Models and Dependence Concepts, 1997, Chapman \& Hall, London. Genest, C., Ghoudi, K. and Rivest, L. A semiparametric estimation procedure of dependence parameters in multivariate families of distributions, 1995, Biometrika, 82, 543-552.