Creates several new variables which help set up a dataset for modeling
with cph
or coxph
when there is a single binary time-dependent
covariable which turns on at a given time, and stays on. This is
typical when analyzing the impact of an intervening event.
creates a Surv
object using the start time, stop time
format. It also creates a binary indicator for the intervening event,
and a variable called subs
that is useful when attach
a dataframe.
has observation numbers duplicated for subjects having an
intervening event, so those subject's baseline covariables (that are
not time-dependent) can be duplicated correctly.
ie.setup(failure.time, event, ie.time, break.ties=FALSE)
a list with components S, ie.status, subs, reps
. S
is a
object containing start and stop times for intervals of observation,
along with event indicators. ie.status
is one if the intervening
event has occurred at the start of the interval, zero otherwise.
is a vector of subscripts that can be used to replicate other
variables the same way S
was replicated. reps
specifies how many
times each original observation was replicated. S, ie.status, subs
all the same length (at least the number of rows for S
is) and are longer than the original failure.time
is the same length as the original failure.time
The subs
vector is suitable for passing to validate.lrm
or calibrate
which pass this vector under the name cluster
on to predab.resample
so that bootstrapping can be
done by sampling with replacement from the original subjects rather than
from the individual records created by ie.setup
a numeric variable containing the event or censoring times for the terminating event
a binary (0/1) variable specifying whether observations had the terminating event (event=1) or were censored (event=0)
intervening event times. For subjects having no intervening events, the corresponding values of ie.time must be NA.
Occasionally intervening events are recorded as happening at exactly
the same time as the termination of follow-up for some subjects.
The Surv
and Surv
functions will not allow this. To
randomly break the ties
by subtracting a random number from such tied intervening event times,
specify break.ties=TRUE
. The random number is uniform between zero and
the minimum difference between any two untied failure.time
Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
failure.time <- c(1 , 2, 3)
event <- c(1 , 1, 0)
ie.time <- c(NA, 1.5, 2.5)
z <- ie.setup(failure.time, event, ie.time)
S <- z$S
ie.status <- z$ie.status
if (FALSE) {
attach([z$subs,]) #replicates all variables
f <- cph(S ~ age + sex + ie.status)
# Instead of duplicating rows of data frame, could do this:
z <- ie.setup(failure.time, event, ie.time)
s <- z$subs
age <- age[s]
sex <- sex[s]
f <- cph(S ~ age + sex + ie.status)
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