n <- 400
age <- rnorm(n, 50, 12)
sex <- factor(sample(c('Female','Male'),n,TRUE))
dd <- datadist(age,sex)
# Population hazard function:
h <- .02*exp(.06*(age-50)+.8*(sex=='Female'))
d.time <- -log(runif(n))/h
cens <- 15*runif(n)
death <- ifelse(d.time <= cens,1,0)
d.time <- pmin(d.time, cens)
f <- psm(Surv(d.time,death) ~ sex*pol(age,2),
# Log-normal model is a bad fit for proportional hazards data
print(f, r2=0:4, pg=TRUE)
fastbw(f) # if deletes sex while keeping age*sex ignore the result
f <- update(f, x=TRUE,y=TRUE) # so can validate, compute certain resids
validate(f, B=10) # ordinarily use B=300 or more
plot(Predict(f, age, sex)) # needs datadist since no explicit age, hosp.
# Could have used ggplot(Predict(...))
survplot(f, age=c(20,60)) # needs datadist since hospital not set here
# latex(f)
S <- Survival(f)
plot(f$linear.predictors, S(6, f$linear.predictors),
# plots 6-month survival as a function of linear predictor (X*Beta hat)
times <- seq(0,24,by=.25)
plot(times, S(times,0), type='l') # plots survival curve at X*Beta hat=0
lam <- Hazard(f)
plot(times, lam(times,0), type='l') # similarly for hazard function
med <- Quantile(f) # new function defaults to computing median only
lp <- seq(-3, 5, by=.1)
plot(lp, med(lp=lp), ylab="Median Survival Time")
med(c(.25,.5), f$linear.predictors)
# prints matrix with 2 columns
# fit a model with no predictors
f <- psm(Surv(d.time,death) ~ 1, dist="weibull")
pphsm(f) # print proportional hazards form
g <- survest(f)
plot(g$time, g$surv, xlab='Time', type='l',
f <- psm(Surv(d.time,death) ~ age,
dist="loglogistic", y=TRUE)
r <- resid(f, 'cens') # note abbreviation
survplot(npsurv(r ~ 1), conf='none')
# plot Kaplan-Meier estimate of
# survival function of standardized residuals
survplot(npsurv(r ~ cut2(age, g=2)), conf='none')
# both strata should be n(0,1)
lines(r) # add theoretical survival function
#More simply:
survplot(r, age, g=2)
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