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rms (version 6.7-0)

print.cph: Print cph Results


Formatted printing of an object of class cph. Prints strata frequencies, parameter estimates, standard errors, z-statistics, numbers of missing values, etc. Format of output is controlled by the user previously running options(prType="lang") where lang is "plain" (the default), "latex", or "html". This does not require results='asis' in knitr chunk headers.


# S3 method for cph
print(x, digits=4, r2=c(0,2,4), table=TRUE, conf.int=FALSE, 
coefs=TRUE, pg=FALSE, title='Cox Proportional Hazards Model', ...)



fit object


number of digits to right of decimal place to print


vector of integers specifying which R^2 measures to print, with 0 for Nagelkerke R^2 and 1:4 corresponding to the 4 measures computed by R2Measures. Default is to print Nagelkerke (labeled R2) and second and fourth R2Measures which are the measures adjusted for the number of predictors, first for the raw sample size then for the effective sample size, which here is the number of non-censored observations.


set to e.g. .95 to print 0.95 confidence intervals on simple hazard ratios (which are usually meaningless as one-unit changes are seldom relevant and most models contain multiple terms per predictor)


set to FALSE to suppress event frequency statistics


specify coefs=FALSE to suppress printing the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. Specify coefs=n to print only the first n regression coefficients in the model.


set to TRUE to print g-indexes


a character string title to be passed to prModFit


arguments passed to prModFit

See Also

coxph, prModFit