# Simulate data from a population proportional odds model
n <- 400
age <- rnorm(n, 50, 10)
blood.pressure <- rnorm(n, 120, 15)
region <- factor(sample(c('north','south','east','west'), n, replace=TRUE))
L <- .2*(age-50) + .1*(blood.pressure-120)
p12 <- plogis(L) # Pr(Y>=1)
p2 <- plogis(L-1) # Pr(Y=2)
p <- cbind(1-p12, p12-p2, p2) # individual class probabilites
# Cumulative probabilities:
cp <- matrix(cumsum(t(p)) - rep(0:(n-1), rep(3,n)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
y <- (cp < runif(n)) %*% rep(1,3)
# Thanks to Dave Krantz for this trick
plot.xmean.ordinaly(y ~ age + blood.pressure + region, cr=TRUE, topcats=2)
# Note that for unimportant predictors we don't care very much about the
# shapes of these plots. Use the Hmisc chiSquare function to compute
# Pearson chi-square statistics to rank the variables by unadjusted
# importance without assuming any ordering of the response:
chiSquare(y ~ age + blood.pressure + region, g=3)
chiSquare(y ~ age + blood.pressure + region, g=5)
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