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rnaseqWrapper (version 1.0-1)

heatmap.mark: Enhanced Heat Map, further modified


This heatmap adds some functional control to the extensions provided by heatmap.2 to the standard R heatmap function. Namely, this function adds the ability to suppress the label of the color key, and modifies the defaults for scale, trace, col, and density.info to match the more common usage in RNAseq analysis. In addition, it allows the suppression of the hardcoded layouts, using plotNew = FALSE to allow combining multiple heatmaps in a single figure, though caution is warranted in arranging your own layout. Usage and details below are borrowed from that function; for more complete examples, see those help pages.


heatmap.mark (x,
# dendrogram control Rowv = TRUE, Colv=if(symm)"Rowv" else TRUE, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, dendrogram = c("both","row","column","none"), symm = FALSE,
# data scaling scale = c("row","none", "column"), na.rm=TRUE,
# image plot revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv"), add.expr,
# mapping data to colors breaks, symbreaks=min(x < 0, na.rm=TRUE) || scale!="none",
# colors col="rnaSeqColors",
# block sepration colsep, rowsep, sepcolor="white", sepwidth=c(0.05,0.05),
# cell labeling cellnote, notecex=1.0, notecol="cyan", na.color=par("bg"),
# level trace trace=c("none","column","row","both"), tracecol="cyan", hline=median(breaks), vline=median(breaks), linecol=tracecol,
# Row/Column Labeling margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, srtRow = NULL, srtCol = NULL, adjRow = c(0,NA), adjCol = c(NA,0), offsetRow = 0.5, offsetCol = 0.5,
# color key + density info key = TRUE, keysize = 1.5, density.info=c("none","histogram","density"), denscol=tracecol, symkey = min(x < 0, na.rm=TRUE) || symbreaks, densadj = 0.25,
# plot labels main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
# plot layout lmat = NULL, lhei = NULL, lwid = NULL,
# extras for this function scaleLabel = NULL, plotNew = TRUE, ... )


numeric matrix of the values to be plotted.
determines if and how the row dendrogram should be reordered. By default, it is TRUE, which implies dendrogram is computed and reordered based on row means. If NULL or FALSE, then no dendrogram is computed and no reordering is done. If a dendrogram, then it is used "as-is", ie without any reordering. If a vector of integers, then dendrogram is computed and reordered based on the order of the vector.
determines if and how the column dendrogram should be reordered. Has the options as the Rowv argument above and additionally when x is a square matrix, Colv = "Rowv" means that columns should be treated identically to the rows.
function used to compute the distance (dissimilarity) between both rows and columns. Defaults to dist.
function used to compute the hierarchical clustering when Rowv or Colv are not dendrograms. Defaults to hclust.
character string indicating whether to draw 'none', 'row', 'column' or 'both' dendrograms. Defaults to 'both'. However, if Rowv (or Colv) is FALSE or NULL and dendrogram is 'both', then a warning is issued and Rowv (or Colv) arguments are honoured.
logical indicating if x should be treated symmetrically; can only be true when x is a square matrix.
character indicating if the values should be centered and scaled in either the row direction or the column direction, or none. The default is "row" if symm false, and "none" otherwise.
logical indicating whether NA's should be removed.
logical indicating if the column order should be reversed for plotting, such that e.g., for the symmetric case, the symmetry axis is as usual.
expression that will be evaluated after the call to image. Can be used to add components to the plot.
(optional) Either a numeric vector indicating the splitting points for binning x into colors, or a integer number of break points to be used, in which case the break points will be spaced equally between min(x) and max(x).
Boolean indicating whether breaks should be made symmetric about 0. Defaults to TRUE if the data includes negative values, and to FALSE otherwise.
colors used for the image. Defaults to heat colors (heat.colors).
colsep, rowsep, sepcolor
(optional) vector of integers indicating which columns or rows should be separated from the preceding columns or rows by a narrow space of color sepcolor.
(optional) Vector of length 2 giving the width (colsep) or height (rowsep) the separator box drawn by colsep and rowsep as a function of the width (colsep) or height (rowsep) of a cell. Defaults to c(0.05, 0.05)
(optional) matrix of character strings which will be placed within each color cell, e.g. p-value symbols.
(optional) numeric scaling factor for cellnote items.
(optional) character string specifying the color for cellnote text. Defaults to "green".
Color to use for missing value (NA). Defaults to the plot background color.
character string indicating whether a solid "trace" line should be drawn across 'row's or down 'column's, 'both' or 'none'. The distance of the line from the center of each color-cell is proportional to the size of the measurement. Defaults to 'none'.
character string giving the color for "trace" line. Defaults to "cyan".
hline, vline, linecol
Vector of values within cells where a horizontal or vertical dotted line should be drawn. The color of the line is controlled by linecol. Horizontal lines are only plotted if trace is 'row' or 'both'. Vertical lines are only drawn if trace 'column' or 'both'. hline and vline default to the median of the breaks, linecol defaults to the value of tracecol.
numeric vector of length 2 containing the margins (see par(mar= *)) for column and row names, respectively.
(optional) character vector of length ncol(x) containing the color names for a horizontal side bar that may be used to annotate the columns of x.
(optional) character vector of length nrow(x) containing the color names for a vertical side bar that may be used to annotate the rows of x.
cexRow, cexCol
positive numbers, used as cex.axis in for the row or column axis labeling. The defaults currently only use number of rows or columns, respectively.
labRow, labCol
character vectors with row and column labels to use; these default to rownames(x) or colnames(x), respectively.
srtRow, srtCol
angle of row/column labels, in degrees from horizontal
adjRow, adjCol
2-element vector giving the (left-right, top-bottom) justification of row/column labels (relative to the text orientation).
offsetRow, offsetCol
Number of character-width spaces to place between row/column labels and the edge of the plotting region.
logical indicating whether a color-key should be shown.
numeric value indicating the size of the key
character string indicating whether to superimpose a 'histogram', a 'density' plot, or no plot ('none') on the color-key.
character string giving the color for the density display specified by density.info, defaults to the same value as tracecol.
Boolean indicating whether the color key should be made symmetric about 0. Defaults to TRUE if the data includes negative values, and to FALSE otherwise.
Numeric scaling value for tuning the kernel width when a density plot is drawn on the color key. (See the adjust parameter for the density function for details.) Defaults to 0.25.
main, xlab, ylab
main, x- and y-axis titles; defaults to none.
lmat, lhei, lwid
visual layout: position matrix, column height, column width. See below for details
What label should be used for the colorkey? "NULL" suppresses the label
Logical. Should this heatmap be drawn on a new plot. If FALSE, you need to provide your own layout that will encompass all plots you intend to put in the figure. Refer to the argument information for lmat, lhei, and lwid as well as the details and examples below for more information on your options for this.
additional arguments passed on to image


Invisibly, a list with components
row index permutation vector as returned by order.dendrogram.
column index permutation vector.
the matched call
rowMeans, rowSDs
mean and standard deviation of each row: only present if scale="row"
colMeans, colSDs
mean and standard deviation of each column: only present if scale="column"
reordered and scaled 'x' values used generate the main 'carpet'
row dendrogram, if present
column dendrogram, if present
values used for color break points
colors used
center-line value used for column trace, present only if trace="both" or trace="column"
center-line value used for row trace, present only if trace="both" or trace="row"
A three-column data frame providing the lower and upper bound and color for each bin


If either Rowv or Colv are dendrograms they are honored (and not reordered). Otherwise, dendrograms are computed as dd <- as.dendrogram(hclustfun(distfun(X))) where X is either x or t(x).

If either is a vector (of “weights”) then the appropriate dendrogram is reordered according to the supplied values subject to the constraints imposed by the dendrogram, by reorder(dd, Rowv), in the row case. If either is missing, as by default, then the ordering of the corresponding dendrogram is by the mean value of the rows/columns, i.e., in the case of rows, Rowv <- rowMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm). If either is NULL, no reordering will be done for the corresponding side.

If scale="row" the rows are scaled to have mean zero and standard deviation one. There is some empirical evidence from genomic plotting that this is useful.

The default colors range from red to white (heat.colors) and are not pretty. Consider using enhancements such as the RColorBrewer package, http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/PACKAGES.html#RColorBrewer to select better colors.

By default four components will be displayed in the plot. At the top left is the color key, top right is the column dendogram, bottom left is the row dendogram, bottom right is the image plot. When RowSideColor or ColSideColor are provided, an additional row or column is inserted in the appropriate location. This layout can be overriden by specifiying appropriate values for lmat, lwid, and lhei. lmat controls the relative postition of each element, while lwid controls the column width, and lhei controls the row height. See the help page for layout for details on how to use these arguments. If plotNew = FALSE, then heatmap.mark will not reset the current layout before plotting. Thus, if this operates on a brand new plot, each of the four elements (described above) will be plotted as a separate plot. Instead, before running the first plot you intend to include, using layout or a similar function to specify the order in which plots should be placed. See the usage examples below for an example.

See Also

image, hclust,heatmap.2


Run this code
## Below are examples of the changes made from heatmap.2()
##  for more complete examples of all this code can do
##  see ?heatmap.2

## Read in and prepare data to plot ##

## Find where the data is stored (or use your own)
pathToData <- try(system.file("",package="rnaseqWrapper",mustWork=TRUE))

if(class(pathToData) != "try-error"){
## Make sure the data were found before proceeding

## Read in the data
## Note, the files here are compressed,
##  but yours do not need to be
countData <- mergeCountFiles(paste(pathToData,"/data/",sep=""),".genes.results.txt.gz")

## limit to count data for 50 rows
## note that these are not, necessarily DE genes
toPlot <- countData[51:100,grep(".expected_count",names(countData))]

## Trim the names to make the plots a bit nicer:
names(toPlot) <- gsub(".expected_count","", names(toPlot))

## Simple plot ##

heatmap.mark(as.matrix(toPlot),cexCol = 0.75,labRow = FALSE)

## More complex, add labels and legend ##

myLabelColors <- rep(c("red","blue"),each = dim(toPlot)[2]/2)

             cexCol = 0.75,labRow = FALSE,
             scaleLabel = "",
             ColSideColors = myLabelColors)

par(xpd=TRUE) ## To allow legend on top of other stuff
       bty="n", cex=.8, 
       legend= c("Female","Male"), 
par(xpd=FALSE) ## To reset

## With multiple panels ##

## Set your own layout
## Note, that each heatmap plots 4 objects when no color labels are included
## So the offset for each additional one needs to b 4 + the options
## If you use row or column labels, additional plots are drawn
## In addition, you will likely want to play with the widths and 
## heights of each element.

baseLayout <- matrix(c(4,3,2,1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

layout(cbind(baseLayout,baseLayout + 4), 
       widths = c(1,2,1,2), heights = c(1,2), respect = FALSE)

             cexCol = 0.75,labRow = FALSE,
             scaleLabel = "",
             plotNew = FALSE)

             cexCol = 0.75,labRow = FALSE,
             scaleLabel = "",
             plotNew = FALSE)



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