- Y
array of output values, dim 1: samples (must be equal to dim 1 of X), dim 2: time (must be equal to dim 2 of X), dim 3: variables (could be 1 or more, if a matrix, will be coerce to array)
- X
array of input values, dim 1: samples, dim 2: time, dim 3: variables (could be 1 or more, if a matrix, will be coerce to array)
- model
a model trained before, used for retraining purpose.
- learningrate
learning rate to be applied for weight iteration
- learningrate_decay
coefficient to apply to the learning rate at each epoch, via the epoch_annealing function
- momentum
coefficient of the last weight iteration to keep for faster learning
- hidden_dim
dimension(s) of hidden layer(s)
- network_type
type of network, could be rnn, gru or lstm. gru and lstm are experimentale.
- numepochs
number of iteration, i.e. number of time the whole dataset is presented to the network
- sigmoid
method to be passed to the sigmoid function
- use_bias
should the network use bias
- batch_size
batch size: number of samples used at each weight iteration, only 1 supported for the moment
- seq_to_seq_unsync
if TRUE, the network will be trained to backpropagate only the second half of the output error. If many to one is the target, just make Y have a time dim of 1. The X and Y data are modify at first to fit a classic learning, error are set to 0 during back propagation, input for the second part is also set to 0.
- update_rule
rule to update the weight, "sgd", the default, is stochastic gradient descent, other available options are "adagrad" (experimentale, do not learn yet)
- epoch_function
vector of functions to applied at each epoch loop. Use it to intereact with the objects inside the list model or to print and plot at each epoch. Should return the model.
- loss_function
loss function, applied in each sample loop, vocabulary to verify.
- ...
Arguments to be passed to methods, to be used in user defined functions