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rnoaa (version 0.8.4)

meteo_tidy_ghcnd: Create a tidy GHCND dataset from a single monitor


This function inputs an object created by ghcnd and cleans up the data into a tidy form.


meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid, keep_flags = FALSE, var = "all",
  date_min = NULL, date_max = NULL)



(character) A character string giving the identification of the weather station for which the user would like to pull data. To get a full and current list of stations, the user can use the ghcnd_stations function. To identify stations within a certain radius of a location, the user can use the meteo_nearby_stations function.


TRUE / FALSE for whether the user would like to keep all the flags for each weather variable. The default is to not keep the flags (FALSE). See the note below for more information on these flags.


A character vector specifying either "all" (pull all available weather parameters for the site) or the weather parameters to keep in the final data (e.g., c("TMAX", "TMIN") to only keep maximum and minimum temperature). Example choices for this argument include:

  • PRCP: Precipitation, in tenths of millimeters

  • TAVG: Average temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius

  • TMAX: Maximum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius

  • TMIN: Minimum temperature, in tenths of degrees Celsius

A full list of possible weather variables is available in NOAA's README file for the GHCND data (https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt). Most weather stations will only have a small subset of all the possible weather variables, so the data generated by this function may not include all of the variables the user specifies through this argument.


A character string giving the earliest date of the daily weather time series that the user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the queried weather site from the earliest available date.


A character string giving the latest date of the daily weather time series that the user would like in the final output. This character string should be formatted as "yyyy-mm-dd". If not specified, the default is to keep all daily data for the queried weather site through the most current available date.


A data frame of daily weather data for a single weather monitor, converted to a tidy format. All weather variables may not exist for all weather stations. Examples of variables returned are:

  • id: Character string with the weather station site id

  • date: Date of the observation

  • prcp: Precipitation, in tenths of mm

  • tavg: Average temperature, in degrees Celsius

  • tmax: Maximum temperature, in degrees Celsius

  • tmin: Minimum temperature, in degrees Celsius

  • awnd: Average daily wind speed, in meters / second

  • wsfg: Peak gust wind speed, in meters / second

There are other possible weather variables in the Global Historical Climatology Network; see http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt for a full list. The variables prcp, tmax, tmin, and tavg have all been converted from tenths of their metric to the metric (e.g., from tenths of degrees Celsius to degrees Celsius). All other variables are in the units specified in the linked file.

See Also



Run this code
# One station in Australia is ASM00094275
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid = "ASN00003003")
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid = "ASN00003003", var = "tavg")
meteo_tidy_ghcnd(stationid = "ASN00003003", date_min = "1950-01-01")
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab