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rnoaa (version 1.4.0)

swdi: Get NOAA data for the Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI)


Get NOAA data for the Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI)


  dataset = NULL,
  format = "xml",
  startdate = NULL,
  enddate = NULL,
  limit = 25,
  offset = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  center = NULL,
  bbox = NULL,
  tile = NULL,
  stat = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  filepath = NULL,


If xml or csv chosen, a list of length three, a slot of metadata (meta), a slot for data (data), and a slot for shape file data with a single column 'shape'. The meta slot is a list of metadata elements, and the data slot is a data.frame, possibly of length zero if no data is found.

If kmz or shp chosen, the file is downloaded to your machine and a message is printed.



Dataset to query. See below for details.


File format to download. One of xml, csv, shp, or kmz.


Start date. See details.


End date. See details.


Number of results to return. Defaults to 25. Any number from 1 to 10000000. Time out issues likely to occur at higher limits.


Any number from 1 to 10000000. Default is NULL, no offset, start from 1.


Search radius in miles (current limit is 15 miles). BEWARE: As far as we know, this parameter doesn't do anything, or at least does not in fact limit the search to the given radius. DO NOT USE.


Center coordinate in lon,lat decimal degree format, e.g.: c(-95.45,36.88)


Bounding box in format of minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat, e.g.: c(-91,30,-90,31)


Coordinate in lon,lat decimal degree format, e.g.: c(-95.45,36.88). The lat/lon values are rounded to the nearest tenth of degree. For the above example, the matching tile would contain values from -95.4500 to -95.5499 and 36.8500 to 36.9499


One of count or tilesum:$longitude,$latitude. Setting stat='count' returns number of results only (no actual data). stat='tilesum:$longitude,$latitude' returns daily feature counts for a tenth of a degree grid centered at the nearest tenth of a degree to the supplied values.


An identifier, e.g., 533623. Not sure how you find these ids?


If kmz or shp chosen the file name and optionally path to write to. Ignored format=xml or format=csv (optional)


Curl options passed on to crul::verb-GET (optional)


Options for the dataset parameter. One of (and their data formats):

  • nx3tvs NEXRAD Level-3 Tornado Vortex Signatures (point)

  • nx3meso NEXRAD Level-3 Mesocyclone Signatures (point)

  • nx3hail NEXRAD Level-3 Hail Signatures (point)

  • nx3structure NEXRAD Level-3 Storm Cell Structure Information (point)

  • plsr Preliminary Local Storm Reports (point)

  • warn Severe Thunderstorm, Tornado, Flash Flood and Special Marine warnings (polygon)

  • nldn Lightning strikes from Vaisala. Available to government and military users only. If you aren't one of those, you'll get a 400 status stop message if you request data from this dataset (point)

For startdate and enddate, the date range syntax is 'startDate:endDate' or special option of 'periodOfRecord'. Note that startDate is inclusive and endDate is exclusive. All dates and times are in GMT. The current limit of the date range size is one year.

All latitude and longitude values for input parameters and output data are in the WGS84 datum.


https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ncei-severe-weather-data-inventory https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/swdiws/


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Search for nx3tvs data from 5 May 2006 to 6 May 2006
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506')

# Get all 'nx3tvs' near latitude = 32.7 and longitude = -102.0
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507',

# use an id
swdi(dataset='warn', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507', id=533623)

# Get all 'plsr' within the bounding box (-91,30,-90,31)
swdi(dataset='plsr', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060510',

# Get all 'nx3tvs' within the tile -102.1/32.6 (-102.15,32.55,-102.25,32.65)
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060506', enddate='20060507',

# Counts
## Note: stat='count' will only return metadata, nothing in the data or shape slots
## Note: stat='tilesum:...' returns counts in the data slot for each date for that tile,
##   and shape data
## Get number of 'nx3tvs' near latitude = 32.7 and longitude = -102.0
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060516',
center=c(-102.0,32.7), stat='count')

## Get daily count nx3tvs features on .1 degree grid centered at latitude = 32.7
## and longitude = -102.0
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20090516',

# CSV format
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='csv')

# SHP format
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='shp',

# KMZ format
swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format='kmz',

# csv output to SpatialPointsDataFrame
res <- swdi(dataset='nx3tvs', startdate='20060505', enddate='20060506', format="csv")
coordinates(res$data) <- ~lon + lat

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab