# ------------- Examples of Chapter 1: Location problems ------------------------------
y <- c(6.0,7.0,5.0,10.5,8.5,3.5,6.1,4.0,4.6,4.5,5.9,6.5)
n <- 12
# M-estimate (tm) of location and confidence interval (tl,tu)
s <- lilars(y); t0 <- s$theta; s0 <- s$sigma
s <- lyhalg(y=y,theta=t0,sigmai=s0)
tm <- s$theta; vartm <- s$var
s <- quant(0.975)
tl <- tm-s$x*sqrt(vartm)
tu <- tm+s$x*sqrt(vartm)
# Hodges and Lehmann estimate (th) and confidence interval (zl,zu)
m <- n*(n+1)/2 # n even
k1 <- m/2; k2 <- k1+1
z1 <- lyhdle(y=y,k=k1); z2 <- lyhdle(y=y,k=k2)
th <- (z1$hdle+z2$hdle)/2.
ku <- liindh(0.95,n); kl <- liindh(0.05,n)
zu <- lyhdle(y=y,k=ku$k); zl <- lyhdle(y=y,k=kl$k)
cat(" tm, tl, tu : ",round(c(tm,tl,tu),3),"\n")
cat(" th, zl, zu : ",round(c(th,zl$hdle,zu$hdle),3),"\n")
# tm, tl, tu : 5.809 4.748 6.87
# th, zl, zu : 5.85 5 7
# Two sample problem
y <- c(17.9,13.3,10.6,7.6,5.7,5.6,5.4,3.3,3.1,0.9)
n <- 10
x <- c(7.7,5.0,1.7,0.0,-3.0,-3.1,-10.5)
m <- 7
# Estimate (dm) and confidence interval [dl,du] based on Mann-Whitney
k1 <- m*n/2; k2 <- k1+1
s1 <- lymnwt(x=x,y=y,k=k1); s2 <- lymnwt(x=x,y=y,k=k2)
dm <- (s1$tmnwt+s2$tmnwt)/2.0
sl <- liindw(0.05,m,n); kl <- sl$k
s <- lymnwt(x=x,y=y,k=kl); dl <- s$tmnwt
s <- lymnwt(x=x,y=y,k=m*n-kl+1); du <- s$tmnwt
# Tau-test . P-value (P)
z <- c(x,y)
s <- lytau2(z=z,m=m,n=n)
P <- s$p
# estimate (tm) and confidence interval (tl,tu)
tm <- s$deltal
c22<- s$cov[3]
s <- quant(0.975)
tl <- tm-s$x*sqrt(c22)
tu <- tm+s$x*sqrt(c22)
cat("dm, dl, du:",round(c(dm,dl,du),3),"\n")
cat("P, tm, tl, tu:",round(c(P,tm,tl,tu),3),"\n")
# dm, dl, du: 6.35 2.9 12.9
# P, tm, tl, tu: 0.014 6.918 1.562 12.273
# Examples of Chapter 2: M-estimates of coefficients and scale in linear regression
# Read data; declare the vector wgt; load defaults
z <- c(-1, -2, 0, 35, 1, 0, -3, 20,
-1, -2, 0, 30, 1, 0, -3, 39,
-1, -2, 0, 24, 1, 0, -3, 16,
-1, -2, 0, 37, 1, 0, -3, 27,
-1, -2, 0, 28, 1, 0, -3, -12,
-1, -2, 0, 73, 1, 0, -3, 2,
-1, -2, 0, 31, 1, 0, -3, 31,
-1, -2, 0, 21, 1, 0, -1, 26,
-1, -2, 0, -5, 1, 0, -1, 60,
-1, 0, 0, 62, 1, 0, -1, 48,
-1, 0, 0, 67, 1, 0, -1, -8,
-1, 0, 0, 95, 1, 0, -1, 46,
-1, 0, 0, 62, 1, 0, -1, 77,
-1, 0, 0, 54, 1, 0, 1, 57,
-1, 0, 0, 56, 1, 0, 1, 89,
-1, 0, 0, 48, 1, 0, 1, 103,
-1, 0, 0, 70, 1, 0, 1, 129,
-1, 0, 0, 94, 1, 0, 1, 139,
-1, 0, 0, 42, 1, 0, 1, 128,
-1, 2, 0, 116, 1, 0, 1, 89,
-1, 2, 0, 105, 1, 0, 1, 86,
-1, 2, 0, 91, 1, 0, 3, 140,
-1, 2, 0, 94, 1, 0, 3, 133,
-1, 2, 0, 130, 1, 0, 3, 142,
-1, 2, 0, 79, 1, 0, 3, 118,
-1, 2, 0, 120, 1, 0, 3, 137,
-1, 2, 0, 124, 1, 0, 3, 84,
-1, 2, 0, -8, 1, 0, 3, 101)
xx <- matrix(z,ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
dimnames(xx) <- list(NULL,c("z2","xS","xT","y"))
z2 <- xx[,"z2"]; xS <- xx[,"xS"]; xT <- xx[,"xT"]
x <- cbind(1, z2, xS+xT, xS-xT, xS^2+xT^2, xS^2-xT^2, xT^3)
y <- xx[,"y"]
wgt <- vector("numeric",length(y))
n <- 56; np <- 7
# Set parameters for Huber estimate
dfrpar(x, "huber")
# Compute the constants beta, bet0, epsi2 and epsip
s <- liepsh()
epsi2 <- s$epsi2; epsip <- s$epsip
# Least squares solution (theta0,sigma0)
z <- riclls(x, y)
theta0<- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma
# Preliminary estimate of the covariance matrix of the coefficients
cv <- kiascv(z$xt, fu=epsi2/epsip^2, fb=0.)
cov <- cv$cov
# Solution (theta1,sigma1) by means of RYHALG.
zr <- ryhalg(x,y,theta0,wgt,cov,sigmai=sigma0,ic=0)
theta1<- zr$theta[1:np]; sigma1 <- zr$sigmaf; nit1 <- zr$nit
# Solution (theta2,sigma2) by means of RYWALG (recompute cov)
cv <- ktaskv(x, f=epsi2/epsip^2)
zr <- rywalg(x, y, theta0, wgt, cv$cov, sigmai=sigma0)
theta2 <- zr$theta[1:np]; sigma2 <- zr$sigmaf; nit2 <- zr$nit
# Solution (theta3,sigma3) by means of RYSALG with ISIGMA=2.
zr <- rysalg(x,y, theta0, wgt, cv$cov, sigma0, isigma=2)
theta3 <- zr$theta[1:np]; sigma3 <- zr$sigmaf; nit3 <- zr$nit
# Solution (theta4,sigma4) by means of RYNALG with ICNV=2 and ISIGMA=0.
# Invert cov
covm1 <- cv$cov
zc <- mchl(covm1,np)
zc <- minv(zc$a, np)
zc <- mtt1(zc$r,np)
covm1 <- zc$b
zr <- rynalg(x,y, theta0, wgt, covm1, sigmai=sigma3,
iopt=1, isigma=0, icnv=2)
theta4 <- zr$theta[1:np]; sigma4 <- zr$sigmaf; nit4 <- zr$nit
cat("theta0 : ",round(theta0[1:np],3),"\n")
cat("sigma0 : ",round(sigma0,3),"\n")
cat("theta1 : ",round(theta1,3),"\n")
cat("sigma1, nit1 : ",round(sigma1,3),nit1,"\n")
cat("theta2 : ",round(theta2,3),"\n")
cat("sigma2, nit2 : ",round(sigma2,3),nit2,"\n")
cat("theta3 : ",round(theta3,3),"\n")
cat("sigma3, nit3 : ",round(sigma3,3),nit3,"\n")
cat("theta4 : ",round(theta4,3),"\n")
cat("sigma4, nit4 : ",round(sigma4,3),nit4,"\n")
# theta0 : 68.634 3.634 24.081 -8.053 -0.446 -0.179 -1.634
# sigma0 : 26.635
# theta1 : 70.006 5.006 24.742 -6.246 -0.079 0.434 -1.487
# sigma1, nit1 : 23.564 7
# theta2 : 70.006 5.006 24.742 -6.245 -0.079 0.434 -1.487
# sigma2, nit2 : 23.563 7
# theta3 : 69.993 5.002 24.766 -6.214 -0.055 0.44 -1.48
# sigma3, nit3 : 22.249 3
# theta4 : 69.993 5.002 24.766 -6.214 -0.055 0.44 -1.48
# sigma4, nit4 : 22.249 3
# ---- Examples of Chapter 3: Weights for bounded influence regression ------
rbmost <- function(x,y,cc,usext=userfd) {
n <- nrow(x); np <- ncol(x); dfcomn(xk=np)
z <- wimedv(x)
z <- wyfalg(x, z$a, y, exu=usext); nitw <- z$nit
wgt <- 1/z$dist; wgt[wgt>1.e6] <- 1.e6
z <- comval()
bto <- z$bt0; ipso <- z$ipsi; co <- z$c
z <- ribet0(wgt, itype=2, isqw=0)
xt <- x*wgt; yt <- y * wgt
z <- rilars(xt, yt)
theta0 <- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma
rs <- z$rs/wgt; r1 <- rs/sigma0
z <- liepsh(cc)
den <- z$epsip
g <- Psp(r1)/den # (see Psi in Chpt. 14)
dfcomn(ipsi=ipso, c=co, bet0=bto)
list(theta=theta0, sigma=sigma0, rs=rs, g=g, nitw=nitw)
# Mallows-standard estimate (with wyfalg and rywalg)
Mal.Std <- function(x, y, b2=-1, cc=-1, isigma=2) {
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x)
dfrpar(x, "Mal-Std", b2, cc); .dFv <- .dFvGet()
if (isigma==1) {dfcomn(d=.dFv$ccc); .dFvPut(1,"isg")}
# Weights
z <- wimedv(x)
z <- wyfalg(x, z$a, y); nitw <- z$nit
wgt <- Www(z$dist) # See Www in Chpt. 14
# Initial cov. matrix of coefficient estimates
z <- kiedch(wgt)
cov <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=1/n)
# Initial theta and sigma
z <- rbmost(x,y,1.5,userfd)
theta0 <- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma; nitw0 <- z$nitw
# Final theta and sigma
if (isigma==1) ribeth(wgt) else ribet0(wgt)
z <- rywalg(x, y,theta0,wgt,cov$cov, sigmai=sigma0)
theta1 <- z$theta[1:np]; sigma1 <- z$sigmaf; nit1 <- z$nit
# Covariance matrix of coefficient estimates
z <- kfedcc(wgt, z$rs, sigma=sigma1)
cov <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=(sigma1^2)/n)
sd1 <- NULL; for (i in 1:np) { j <- i*(i+1)/2
sd1 <- c(sd1,cov$cov[j]) }
sd1 <- sqrt(sd1)
cat("rbmost: theta0 : ",round(theta0[1:np],3),"\n")
cat("rbmost: sigma0, nitw : ",round(sigma0,3),nitw0,"\n")
cat("Mallows-Std: theta1 : ",round(theta1,3),"\n")
cat("Mallows-Std: sd1 : ",round(sd1,3),"\n")
cat("Mallows-Std: sigma1, nitw, nit1 : ",round(sigma1,3),nitw,nit1,"\n")
list(theta0=theta0[1:np], sigma0=sigma0, nitw=nitw,
theta1=theta1, sigma1=sigma1, nit1=nit1, sd1=sd1)}
# Krasker-Welsch estimate (with wynalg and rynalg)
Kra.Wel <- function(x, y, ckw=-1, isigma=2) {
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x)
dfrpar(x, "Kra-Wel", ckw); .dFv <- .dFvGet()
if (isigma==1) {dfcomn(d=.dFv$ccc); .dFvPut(1,"isg")}
# Weights
z <- wimedv(x)
z <- wynalg(x, z$a); nitw <- z$nit
wgt <- Www(z$dist) # See Www in Chpt. 14
# Initial cov. matrix of coefficient estimates
z <- kiedch(wgt)
cov <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=1/n)
# Initial theta and sigma
z <- rbmost(x, y, cc=1.5)
theta0 <- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma; nitw0 <- z$nitw
# Final theta and sigma
if (isigma==1) ribeth(wgt) else ribet0(wgt)
z <- rynalg(x, y,theta0,wgt,cov$cov, sigmai=sigma0)
theta2 <- z$theta[1:np]; sigma2 <- z$sigma; nit2 <- z$nit
# Covariance matrix of coefficient estimates
z <- kfedcc(wgt, z$rs, sigma=sigma2)
cov <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=(sigma2^2)/n)
sd2 <- NULL; for (i in 1:np) { j <- i*(i+1)/2
sd2 <- c(sd2,cov$cov[j]) }
sd2 <- sqrt(sd2)
cat("rbmost: theta0 : ",round(theta0[1:np],3),"\n")
cat("rbmost: sigma0, nitw : ",round(sigma0,3),nitw0,"\n")
cat("Krasker-Welsch: theta2 : ",round(theta2,3),"\n")
cat("Krasker-Welsch: sd2 : ",round(sd2,3),"\n")
cat("Krasker-Welsch: sigma2, nitw, nit2 : ",round(sigma2,3),nitw,nit2,"\n")
list(theta0=theta0[1:np], sigma0=sigma0, nitw=nitw,
theta2=theta2, sigma2=sigma2, nit2=nit2, sd2=sd2)}
# Read data; load defaults
z <- c( 8.2, 4, 23.005, 1, 7.6, 5, 23.873, 1,
4.6, 0, 26.417, 1, 4.3, 1, 24.868, 1,
5.9, 2, 29.895, 1, 5.0, 3, 24.200, 1,
6.5, 4, 23.215, 1, 8.3, 5, 21.862, 1,
10.1, 0, 22.274, 1, 13.2, 1, 23.830, 1,
12.6, 2, 25.144, 1, 10.4, 3, 22.430, 1,
10.8, 4, 21.785, 1, 13.1, 5, 22.380, 1,
13.3, 0, 23.927, 1, 10.4, 1, 33.443, 1,
10.5, 2, 24.859, 1, 7.7, 3, 22.686, 1,
10.0, 0, 21.789, 1, 12.0, 1, 22.041, 1,
12.1, 4, 21.033, 1, 13.6, 5, 21.005, 1,
15.0, 0, 25.865, 1, 13.5, 1, 26.290, 1,
11.5, 2, 22.932, 1, 12.0, 3, 21.313, 1,
13.0, 4, 20.769, 1, 14.1, 5, 21.393, 1)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
y <- c( 7.6, 7.7, 4.3, 5.9, 5.0, 6.5, 8.3, 8.2, 13.2, 12.6,
10.4, 10.8, 13.1, 12.3, 10.4, 10.5, 7.7, 9.5, 12.0, 12.6,
13.6, 14.1, 13.5, 11.5, 12.0, 13.0, 14.1, 15.1)
z1 <- Mal.Std(x, y)
z2 <- Kra.Wel(x, y)
# ---- Examples of Chapter 4: Covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates ------
# Read x[1:4] and then set x[,4] <- 1
z <- c(80, 27, 89, 1, 80, 27, 88, 1, 75, 25, 90, 1,
62, 24, 87, 1, 62, 22, 87, 1, 62, 23, 87, 1,
62, 24, 93, 1, 62, 24, 93, 1, 58, 23, 87, 1,
58, 18, 80, 1, 58, 18, 89, 1, 58, 17, 88, 1,
58, 18, 82, 1, 58, 19, 93, 1, 50, 18, 89, 1,
50, 18, 86, 1, 50, 19, 72, 1, 50, 19, 79, 1,
50, 20, 80, 1, 56, 20, 82, 1, 70, 20, 91, 1)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
n <- 21; np <- 4; ncov <- np*(np+1)/2
# Cov. matrix of Huber-type estimates
dfrpar(x, "huber")
s <- liepsh()
epsi2 <- s$epsi2; epsip <- s$epsip
z <- rimtrf(x)
xt <- z$x; sg <- z$sg; ip <- z$ip
zc <- kiascv(xt, fu=epsi2/epsip^2, fb=0.)
covi <- zc$cov # Can be used in ryhalg with ic=0
zc <- kfascv(xt, covi, f=1, sg=sg, ip=ip)
covf <- zc$cov
str <- rep(" ", ncov); str[cumsum(1:np)] <- "\n"
# ---- Examples of Chapter 5: Asymptotic relative efficiency ------
# Huber
z <- airef0(mu=3, ialfa=1, sigmx=1)
cat(" airef0 : Huber\n reff, alfa, beta, nit: ")
cat(round(c(z$reff,z$alfa,z$beta,z$nit),3),sep=c(", ",", ",", ","\n"))
# Schweppe: Krasker-Welsch
z <- airef0(mu=3, ialfa=1, sigmx=1)
cat(" airef0 : Krasker-Welsch\n reff, alfa, beta, nit: ")
cat(round(c(z$reff,z$alfa,z$beta,z$nit),3),sep=c(", ",", ",", ","\n"))
# Mallows-Standard
z <- airef0(mu=3, ialfa=1, sigmx=1)
cat(" airef0 : Mallows-Std \n reff, alfa, beta, nit: ")
cat(round(c(z$reff,z$alfa,z$beta,z$nit),3),sep=c(", ",", ",", ","\n"))
z <- c(1, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1)
tt <- matrix(z,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
n <- nrow(tt); mu <- 2
nu <- ncol(tt)
# Huber
z <- airefq(tt, mu=mu, sigmx=1)
cat(" airefq : Huber\n reff, beta, nit: ")
cat(round(c(z$reff,z$beta,z$nit),3),sep=c(", ",", ",", ","\n"))
# Krasker-Welsch
z <- airefq(tt, mu=mu, sigmx=1,init=1)
cat(" airefq : Krasker-Welsch\n reff, beta, nit: ")
cat(round(c(z$reff,z$beta,z$nit),3),sep=c(", ",", ",", ","\n"))
# Mallows Standard
z <- airefq(tt, mu=mu, sigmx=1,init=1)
cat(" airefq : Mallows-Std\n reff, beta, nit: ")
cat(round(c(z$reff,z$beta,z$nit),3),sep=c(", ",", ",", ","\n"))
# ---- Examples of Chapter 6: Robust testing in linear models ------
tautest <- function(x,y,np,nq) {
# Full model. np variables in x[,1:np]
n <- nrow(x)
z <- riclls(x[,1:np], y)
theta0 <- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma; .dFv <- .dFvGet()
z <- liepsh(.dFv$ccc) # ccc is globally defined by dfrpar
epsi2 <- z$epsi2; epsip <- z$epsip
zc <- ktaskv(x[,1:np],f=epsi2/(epsip^2))
covi <- zc$cov
zf <- rywalg(x[,1:np],y,theta0,y,covi,sigmai=sigma0)
thetaf <- zf$theta; sigma <- zf$sigmaf; rf <- zf$rs
f <- kffacv(rf,np=np,sigma=sigma)
zc <- ktaskv(x[,1:np],f=f$fh*(sigma^2)/n)
cov <- zc$cov
# Sub-model: nq variables in x[,1:nq], nq < np
covi <- cov[1:(nq*(nq+1)/2)]
zs <- rywalg(x[,1:nq], y, thetaf, y, covi, sigmai=sigma,isigma=0)
thetas <- zs$theta; rs <- zs$rs
# Compute Tau-test statistic and P-value
ztau <- tftaut(rf,rs,y,rho,np,nq,sigma)
ftau <- ztau$ftau
z <- chisq(1,np-nq,ftau*epsip/epsi2)
P <- 1-z$p
cat(" F_tau, P, sigma: ")
cat(round(c(ftau,P,sigma),3),sep=c(", ",", ","\n"))
cat(" theta (small model): ",round(thetas[1:nq],3),"\n\n")
list(thetas=thetas[1:nq], sigma=sigma, rs=rs,ftau=ftau, P=P)}
dshift <- function(x, theta, sigma, rs, nq) {
# Shift estimate d and confidence interval
ncov <- nq*(nq+1)/2
f <- kffacv(rs,np=nq,sigma=sigma)
zc <- ktaskv(x[,1:nq],f=f$fh)
cov <- zc$cov
k11 <- 4.*cov[ncov-nq]
k12 <- 2.*cov[ncov-1]
k22 <- cov[ncov]
za <- quant(0.05/2)
d <- 2*theta[nq-1]/theta[nq]
q <- za$x*sigma/theta[nq]
g <- k22*(q^2)
a <- d-g*k12/k22
b <- abs(q)*sqrt(k11-2*d*k12+d*d*k22-g*(k11-k12*k12/k22))
dL <- (a-b)/(1-g)
dU <- (a+b)/(1-g)
cat(" d, dL, dU: ",round(c(d,dL,dU),3),sep=c("",", ",", ","\n"))
list(d=d, dL=dL, dU=dU)
potcy <- function(m,ml,mu,h,k,d,cs,ct) {
fact <- ((h*k) %% 2) + 1
r <- exp(log(d)*(fact*m+h-k)/2 - log(ct/cs))
rl <- exp(log(d)*(fact*ml+h-k)/2 - log(ct/cs))
ru <- exp(log(d)*(fact*mu+h-k)/2 - log(ct/cs))
list(R=r, Rl=rl, Ru=ru)}
rbmost <- function(x,y,cc,usext=userfd) {
n <- nrow(x); np <- ncol(x); dfcomn(xk=np)
z <- wimedv(x)
z <- wyfalg(x, z$a, y, exu=usext); nitw <- z$nit
wgt <- 1/z$dist; wgt[wgt>1.e6] <- 1.e6
z <- comval()
bto <- z$bt0; ipso <- z$ipsi; co <- z$c
z <- ribet0(wgt, itype=2, isqw=0)
xt <- x*wgt; yt <- y * wgt
z <- rilars(xt, yt)
theta0 <- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma
rs <- z$rs/wgt; r1 <- rs/sigma0
z <- liepsh(cc)
den <- z$epsip
g <- Psp(r1)/den # (see Psp in Chpt. 14)
dfcomn(ipsi=ipso, c=co, bet0=bto)
list(theta=theta0, sigma=sigma0, rs=rs, g=g, nitw=nitw)
z <- c(-1, -2, 0, 35, 1, 0, -3, 20,
-1, -2, 0, 30, 1, 0, -3, 39,
-1, -2, 0, 24, 1, 0, -3, 16,
-1, -2, 0, 37, 1, 0, -3, 27,
-1, -2, 0, 28, 1, 0, -3, -12,
-1, -2, 0, 73, 1, 0, -3, 2,
-1, -2, 0, 31, 1, 0, -3, 31,
-1, -2, 0, 21, 1, 0, -1, 26,
-1, -2, 0, -5, 1, 0, -1, 60,
-1, 0, 0, 62, 1, 0, -1, 48,
-1, 0, 0, 67, 1, 0, -1, -8,
-1, 0, 0, 95, 1, 0, -1, 46,
-1, 0, 0, 62, 1, 0, -1, 77,
-1, 0, 0, 54, 1, 0, 1, 57,
-1, 0, 0, 56, 1, 0, 1, 89,
-1, 0, 0, 48, 1, 0, 1, 103,
-1, 0, 0, 70, 1, 0, 1, 129,
-1, 0, 0, 94, 1, 0, 1, 139,
-1, 0, 0, 42, 1, 0, 1, 128,
-1, 2, 0, 116, 1, 0, 1, 89,
-1, 2, 0, 105, 1, 0, 1, 86,
-1, 2, 0, 91, 1, 0, 3, 140,
-1, 2, 0, 94, 1, 0, 3, 133,
-1, 2, 0, 130, 1, 0, 3, 142,
-1, 2, 0, 79, 1, 0, 3, 118,
-1, 2, 0, 120, 1, 0, 3, 137,
-1, 2, 0, 124, 1, 0, 3, 84,
-1, 2, 0, -8, 1, 0, 3, 101)
xx <- matrix(z,ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
dimnames(xx) <- list(NULL,c("z2","xS","xT","y"))
z2 <- xx[,"z2"]; xS <- xx[,"xS"]; xT <- xx[,"xT"]
x <- cbind(1, z2, xS+xT, xS-xT, xS^2+xT^2, xS^2-xT^2, xT^3)
y <- xx[,"y"]
z <- dfrpar(x, "huber",psipar=1.345)
# Tau-test and shift estimate
cat("Results (linearity test)\n")
np <- 7; nq <- 4 # Test linearity
z <- tautest(x,y,np,nq)
cat("Results (parallelism test)\n")
np <- 4; nq <- 3 # Test parallelism
z <- tautest(x,y,np,nq)
z <- dshift(x, z$thetas, z$sigma, z$rs, nq)
# Input data; set defaults
z <- c(35.3, 20, 10.98,
29.7, 20, 11.13,
30.8, 23, 12.51,
58.8, 20, 8.40,
61.4, 21, 9.27,
71.3, 22, 8.73,
74.4, 11, 6.36,
76.7, 23, 8.50,
70.7, 21, 7.82,
57.5, 20, 9.14,
46.4, 20, 8.24,
28.9, 21, 12.19,
28.1, 21, 11.88,
39.1, 19, 9.57,
46.8, 23, 10.94,
48.5, 20, 9.58,
59.3, 22, 10.09,
70.0, 22, 8.11,
70.0, 11, 6.83,
74.5, 23, 8.88,
72.1, 20, 7.68,
58.1, 21, 8.47,
44.6, 20, 8.86,
33.4, 20, 10.36,
28.6, 22, 11.08)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
y <- x[,3]; x[,2:3] <- x[,1:2]; x[,1] <- 1
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x); nq <- np - 1
# Optimal tau-test based on Schweppe-type estimates
z <- tauare(itype=3,mu=1,cpsi=2.665,bb=0,sigmax=1)
dfrpar(x, "Sch-Tau",upar=2.67); .dFvPut(1,"isg");
.dFv <- .dFvGet(); dfcomn(d=.dFv$ccc)
# Full model: initial estimates of theta, sigma and weights
dfcomn(xk=np) # Needed for userfd
zr <- rbmost(x,y,cc=1.5)
theta0 <- zr$theta; sigma0 <- zr$sigma; nitw0 <- zr$nitw
# Initial and final values of weights
z <- wimedv(x)
z <- wyfalg(x, z$a, zr$g, nvarq=nq, igwt=1)
wgt <- 1/z$dist ; wgt[wgt>1.e6] <- 1.e6
# Full model: covariance matrix of coefficients and inverse
z <- kiedch(wgt)
zc <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=1/n, iainv=1)
cov <- zc$cov; ainv <- zc$ainv
# Full model: Final estimate of theta and sigma
zf <- rywalg(x, y,theta0,wgt,cov, sigmai=sigma0)
thetaf <- zf$theta[1:np]; sigma <- zf$sigmaf; nitf <- zf$nit
# Small model: Final estimate of theta and sigma
covi <- cov[1:(nq*(nq+1)/2)]
xt <- x[,1:nq,drop=FALSE]
zs <- rywalg(xt, y, theta0, wgt, covi, sigmai=sigma, isigma=0)
thetas <- zs$theta[1:nq]; nits <- zs$nit
# Compute Tau-test statistic
ft <- tftaut(zf$rs,zs$rs,wgt,rho,np,nq,sigma)
ftau <- ft$ftau
# P-value
z <- ttaskt(cov, ainv, np, nq, fact=n)
z <- tteign(z$covtau,nq)
xlmbda <- z$xlmbda[1:(np-nq)]
mult <- rep(1, length=np)
delta <- rep(0, length=np)
z <- ruben(xlmbda, delta, mult,ftau, xmode=-1, maxit=100, eps=0.0001)
P <- 1-z$cumdf
cat(" Optimal Tau-test : Schweppe-type estimates\n")
cat(" theta0: ",round(theta0[1:np],3),"\n sigma0, nitw: ")
cat(round(c(sigma0,nitw0),3),sep=c(", ","\n"))
cat(" thetaf: ",round(thetaf,3),"\n sigma, nit: ")
cat(round(c(sigma,nitf),3),sep=c(", ","\n"))
cat(" thetas: ",round(thetas,3),"\n sigma, nit: ")
cat(round(c(sigma,nits),3),sep=c(", ","\n"))
cat(" F_tau =",round(ftau,3),", P =",P,"\n")
rn2mal <- function(x,y,b2,c,nq) {
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x)
# Rn2-test on Mallows estimators
# ==============================
dfrpar(x, "mal-std", b2, c)
.dFvPut(1,"isg"); .dFv <- .dFvGet(); dfcomn(d=.dFv$ccc)
# Initial and final values of weights
z <- wimedv(x)
z <- wyfalg(x, z$a, wgt)
wgt <- Www(z$dist); nitw <- z$nit
# Initial theta and sigma (using weighted LAR)
ribet0(wgt, isqw=0)
xt <- x*wgt
yt <- y * wgt
z <- rilars(xt, yt)
theta0 <- z$theta; sigma0 <- z$sigma
# Initial value of COV
z <- kiedch(wgt)
zc <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=1/n)
covi <- zc$cov
# Solution by means of RYWALG.
z <- ribeth(wgt)
beta <- z$bta
zw <- rywalg(x, y, theta0, wgt, covi, sigmai=sigma0)
theta1 <- zw$theta[1:np]; sigma1 <- zw$sigmaf; nit1 <- zw$nit
# Unscaled covariance matrix of coefficients
zc <- kfedcb(wgt, zw$rs, sigma=sigma1)
z <- ktaskw(x, zc$d, zc$e, f=1/n)
cov1 <- z$cov
# Rn2-test statistic and significance
z <- tfrn2t(cov1,theta1,n,nq)
rn2m <- z$rn2t/(n*sigma1^2)
z <- chisq(1,np-nq,rn2m)
p1 <- 1.-z$p
list(theta1=theta1, sigma1=sigma1, wgt=wgt, nitw=nitw, nit1=nit1,
rn2m=rn2m, p1=p1)}
# Read data
z <- c(35.3, 20, 10.98,
29.7, 20, 11.13,
30.8, 23, 12.51,
58.8, 20, 8.40,
61.4, 21, 9.27,
71.3, 22, 8.73,
74.4, 11, 6.36,
76.7, 23, 8.50,
70.7, 21, 7.82,
57.5, 20, 9.14,
46.4, 20, 8.24,
28.9, 21, 12.19,
28.1, 21, 11.88,
39.1, 19, 9.57,
46.8, 23, 10.94,
48.5, 20, 9.58,
59.3, 22, 10.09,
70.0, 22, 8.11,
70.0, 11, 6.83,
74.5, 23, 8.88,
72.1, 20, 7.68,
58.1, 21, 8.47,
44.6, 20, 8.86,
33.4, 20, 10.36,
28.6, 22, 11.08)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
y <- x[,3]; x[,2:3] <- x[,1:2]; x[,1] <- 1
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x); nq <- np - 1
wgt <- vector("numeric",length(y))
z <- rn2mal(x, y, 4, 1.5, nq)
cat("Rn2-test on Mallows estimators\n")
cat(" theta1: ",round(z$theta1,3),"\n sigma1, nitw, nit1: ")
cat(round(c(z$sigma1,z$nitw,z$nit1),3),sep=c(", ",", ","\n"))
cat(" Rn2 =",round(z$rn2m,3),", P =",z$p1,"\n")
# ---- Examples of Chapter 7: Breakdown point regression ------
# Read data; load defaults
z <- c(80, 27, 89, 42,
80, 27, 88, 37,
75, 25, 90, 37,
62, 24, 87, 28,
62, 22, 87, 18,
62, 23, 87, 18,
62, 24, 93, 19,
62, 24, 93, 20,
58, 23, 87, 15,
58, 18, 80, 14,
58, 18, 89, 14,
58, 17, 88, 13,
58, 18, 82, 11,
58, 19, 93, 12,
50, 18, 89, 8,
50, 18, 86, 7,
50, 19, 72, 8,
50, 19, 79, 8,
50, 20, 80, 9,
56, 20, 82, 15,
70, 20, 91, 15)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
y <- x[,4]; x[,4] <- 1
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x)
nq <- np+1
# Least median of squares
zr <- hylmse(x,y, nq, ik=1, iopt=3, intch=1)
theta1 <- zr$theta; xmin1 <- zr$xmin
zr <- hylmse(x,y, nq, ik=2, iopt=3, intch=1)
theta2 <- zr$theta; xmin2 <- zr$xmin
zr <- hylmse(x,y, nq, ik=1, iopt=1, intch=1)
theta3 <- zr$theta; xmin3 <- zr$xmin
# Least trimmed squares
zr <- hyltse(x,y, nq, ik=1, iopt=3, intch=1)
theta4 <- zr$theta; xmin4 <- zr$smin
zr <- hyltse(x,y, nq, ik=2, iopt=3, intch=1)
theta5 <- zr$theta; xmin5 <- zr$smin
zr <- hyltse(x,y, nq, ik=1, iopt=1, intch=1)
theta6 <- zr$theta; xmin6 <- zr$smin
# S-estimate
z <- dfrpar(x,'S')
z <- ribetu(y)
zr <- hysest(x,y, nq, iopt=3, intch=1)
theta7 <- zr$theta[1:np]; xmin7 <- zr$smin
zr <- hysest(x,y, nq, iopt=1, intch=1)
theta8 <- zr$theta[1:np]; xmin8 <- zr$smin
cat("Results\n theta1 = (")
cat(round(theta1,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin1 ="); cat(round(xmin1,3))
cat("\n theta2 = ("); cat(round(theta2,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin2 ="); cat(round(xmin2,3))
cat("\n theta3 = ("); cat(round(theta3,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin3 ="); cat(round(xmin3,3))
cat("\n theta4 = ("); cat(round(theta4,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin4 ="); cat(round(xmin4,3))
cat("\n theta5 = ("); cat(round(theta5,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin5 ="); cat(round(xmin5,3))
cat("\n theta6 = ("); cat(round(theta6,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin6 ="); cat(round(xmin6,3))
cat("\n theta7 = ("); cat(round(theta7,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin7 ="); cat(round(xmin7,3))
cat("\n theta8 = ("); cat(round(theta8,3),sep=", ")
cat("), xmin8 ="); cat(round(xmin8,3),"\n")
# ---- Examples of Chapter 8: M-estimates of covariance matrices ------
# Read data; set defaults
z <- c(4.37, 5.23, 4.38, 5.02,
4.56, 5.74, 4.42, 4.66,
4.26, 4.93, 4.29, 4.66,
4.56, 5.74, 4.38, 4.90,
4.30, 5.19, 4.22, 4.39,
4.46, 5.46, 3.48, 6.05,
3.84, 4.65, 4.38, 4.42,
4.57, 5.27, 4.56, 5.10,
4.26, 5.57, 4.45, 5.22,
4.37, 5.12, 3.49, 6.29,
3.49, 5.73, 4.23, 4.34,
4.43, 5.45, 4.62, 5.62,
4.48, 5.42, 4.53, 5.10,
4.01, 4.05, 4.45, 5.22,
4.29, 4.26, 4.53, 5.18,
4.42, 4.58, 4.43, 5.57,
4.23, 3.94, 4.38, 4.62,
4.42, 4.18, 4.45, 5.06,
4.23, 4.18, 4.50, 5.34,
3.49, 5.89, 4.45, 5.34,
4.29, 4.38, 4.55, 5.54,
4.29, 4.22, 4.45, 4.98,
4.42, 4.42, 4.42, 4.50,
4.49, 4.85)
cx <- matrix(z, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
n <- nrow(cx); np <- ncol(cx)
dst0 <- vector("numeric",n)
# Classical covariance
t0 <- apply(cx, 2, mean)
xmb <- sweep(cx, 2, t0)
cv0 <- crossprod(xmb)/n
# Mahalanobis distances
cvm1 <- solve(cv0)
for (i in 1:n) {
z <- xmb[i,,drop=FALSE]; dst0[i] <- sqrt(z %*% cvm1 %*% t(z))}
# M-estimate of covariance
zc <- cicloc()
za <- cia2b2(nvar=np)
a2 <- za$a2; b2 <- za$b2
zd <- cibeat(a2, b2, np)
cw <- zc$c; dv <- zd$d
dfcomn(iucv=1, a2=a2, b2=b2, bt=dv, cw=cw)
# zf <- cifact(a2,b2,np); fc <- zf$fc
z <- cimedv(cx)
ai <- z$a; ti <- z$t; fc <- 1
# With prescription F0
zd <- cyfalg(cx,ai,ti)
zc <- cfrcov(zd$a,np,fc)
cv1 <- zc$cov; t1 <- zd$t; dst1 <- zd$dist; nt1 <- zd$nit
# With prescription NH
zd <- cynalg(cx,ai,ti)
zc <- cfrcov(zd$a,np,fc)
cv2 <- zc$cov; t2 <- zd$t; dst2 <- zd$dist; nt2 <- zd$nit
# With prescription CG
zd <- cygalg(cx,ai,ti)
zc <- cfrcov(zd$a,np,fc)
cv3 <- zc$cov; t3 <- zd$t; dst3 <- zd$dist; nt3 <- zd$nit
cat("Results\n\n cv0[1,1],cv0[2,1],cv0[2,2] = (")
cat(round(as.vector(cv0)[-2],3),sep=", ")
cat(")\n t0 = ("); cat(round(t0,3),sep=", ")
cat(")\n dist0 :\n ")
cat(round(dst0,3),sep=c(rep(", ",9),",\n "))
cat("\n cv1[1,1],cv1[2,1],cv1[2,2] = (")
cat(round(cv1,3),sep=", ")
cat(")\n t1 = ("); cat(round(t1,3),sep=", ")
cat("), nit1 =",nt1); cat("\n dist1 :\n ")
cat(round(dst1,3),sep=c(rep(", ",9),",\n "))
cat("\n cv2[1,1],cv2[2,1],cv2[2,2] = (")
cat(round(cv2,3),sep=", ")
cat(")\n t2 = ("); cat(round(t2,3),sep=", ")
cat("), nit2 =",nt2); cat("\n dist2 :\n ")
cat(round(dst2,3),sep=c(rep(", ",9),",\n "))
cat("\n cv3[1,1],cv3[2,1],cv3[2,2] = (")
cat(round(cv3,3),sep=", ")
cat(")\n t3 = ("); cat(round(t3,3),sep=", ")
cat("), nit3 =",nt3); cat("\n dist3 :\n ")
cat(round(dst3,3),sep=c(rep(", ",9),",\n "))
# ----------- Examples of Chapter 9: Mixed procedures --------------
bindec <- function(np,ind,cpc,cpr) {
n <- length(ind)
ccar <- matrix("-",ncol=np, nrow=n)
for (i in 1:n) {
j <- 0
num <- abs(ind[i])
while (num != 0 & j < np) {
j <- j+1
if (num %% 2 == 1) ccar[i,j] <- "X"
num <- num %/% 2}}
# Read data
z <- c(-1, -2, 0, 35, 1, 0, -3, 20,
-1, -2, 0, 30, 1, 0, -3, 39,
-1, -2, 0, 24, 1, 0, -3, 16,
-1, -2, 0, 37, 1, 0, -3, 27,
-1, -2, 0, 28, 1, 0, -3, -12,
-1, -2, 0, 73, 1, 0, -3, 2,
-1, -2, 0, 31, 1, 0, -3, 31,
-1, -2, 0, 21, 1, 0, -1, 26,
-1, -2, 0, -5, 1, 0, -1, 60,
-1, 0, 0, 62, 1, 0, -1, 48,
-1, 0, 0, 67, 1, 0, -1, -8,
-1, 0, 0, 95, 1, 0, -1, 46,
-1, 0, 0, 62, 1, 0, -1, 77,
-1, 0, 0, 54, 1, 0, 1, 57,
-1, 0, 0, 56, 1, 0, 1, 89,
-1, 0, 0, 48, 1, 0, 1, 103,
-1, 0, 0, 70, 1, 0, 1, 129,
-1, 0, 0, 94, 1, 0, 1, 139,
-1, 0, 0, 42, 1, 0, 1, 128,
-1, 2, 0, 116, 1, 0, 1, 89,
-1, 2, 0, 105, 1, 0, 1, 86,
-1, 2, 0, 91, 1, 0, 3, 140,
-1, 2, 0, 94, 1, 0, 3, 133,
-1, 2, 0, 130, 1, 0, 3, 142,
-1, 2, 0, 79, 1, 0, 3, 118,
-1, 2, 0, 120, 1, 0, 3, 137,
-1, 2, 0, 124, 1, 0, 3, 84,
-1, 2, 0, -8, 1, 0, 3, 101)
xx <- matrix(z,ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
dimnames(xx) <- list(NULL,c("z2","xS","xT","y"))
z2 <- xx[,"z2"]; xS <- xx[,"xS"]; xT <- xx[,"xT"]
x <- cbind(1, z2, xS+xT, xS-xT, xS^2+xT^2, xS^2-xT^2, xT^3)
y <- xx[,"y"]
wgt <- vector("numeric",length(y))
n <- 56; np <- 7
# Compute classical sigma and the t-statistics
dfrpar(x,"ols",-1,-1); .dFv <- .dFvGet()
z <- mirtsr(x,y,.dFv$ite)
sigmc <- z$sigma; tstac <- z$t
# Compute robust sigma and the t-statistics
dfrpar(x,"huber",-1,-1); .dFv <- .dFvGet()
z <- mirtsr(x,y,.dFv$ite)
sigmr <- z$sigma; tstar <- z$t
# All possible regressions including the constant and linear terms
vp <- rep(-0.5, length=np)
vp[1] <- 3; vp[3] <- 2; vp[4] <- 1
za <- mfragr(x, y, vp, nc=18, .dFv$ite, sigmac=sigmc, sigmar=sigmr)
# Priorites by means of t-directed search
zt <- mfragr(x, y, tstar, nc=7, .dFv$ite, sigmac=sigmc, sigmar=sigmr)
cat(" Estimates of sigma\n ")
cat(" sigmc =",round(sigmc,3),", sigmr =",round(sigmr,3),"\n")
cat(" Regressions on subset of variables:\n")
cat(" C{p} C{p,@} ipr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n")
cat(t(bindec(np,za$ipr,za$cpc,za$cpr)),sep=c(rep(" ",9),"\n"))
cat("\n t-directed search\n")
cat(" tstar[1:7]=(", round(tstar,3),sep=c("",rep(", ",6)))
cat(")\n C_p C{p,@} ipr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n")
cat(t(bindec(np,zt$ipr,zt$cpc,zt$cpr)),sep=c(rep(" ",9),"\n"))
# Read data; set defaults
z <- c(4.37, 5.23, 4.48, 5.42, 4.38, 5.02, 4.53, 5.10,
4.56, 5.74, 4.01, 4.05, 4.42, 4.66, 4.45, 5.22,
4.26, 4.93, 4.29, 4.26, 4.29, 4.66, 4.53, 5.18,
4.56, 5.74, 4.42, 4.58, 4.38, 4.90, 4.43, 5.57,
4.30, 5.19, 4.23, 3.94, 4.22, 4.39, 4.38, 4.62,
4.46, 5.46, 4.42, 4.18, 3.48, 6.05, 4.45, 5.06,
3.84, 4.65, 4.23, 4.18, 4.38, 4.42, 4.50, 5.34,
4.57, 5.27, 3.49, 5.89, 4.56, 5.10, 4.45, 5.34,
4.26, 5.57, 4.29, 4.38, 4.45, 5.22, 4.55, 5.54,
4.37, 5.12, 4.29, 4.22, 3.49, 6.29, 4.45, 4.98,
3.49, 5.73, 4.42, 4.42, 4.23, 4.34, 4.42, 4.50,
4.43, 5.45, 4.49, 4.85, 4.62, 5.62)
cx <- matrix(z, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
n <- nrow(cx); np <- ncol(cx)
y <- vector("numeric",length=n)
# Minimum Volume Ellipsoid covariances
dfvals(); .dFv <- .dFvGet()
z <- mymvlm(cx,y,ilms=0,iopt=3,iseed=5321)
dst <- z$d; cv <- z$cov; xvol <- z$xvol
cat("Minimum Volume Ellipsoid covariances\n cv = (")
cat(round(cv,3),sep=c(", ",", "))
cat("), Objective function value =",round(xvol,3),"\ndistances:\n")
cat(round(dst,3),sep=c(rep(", ",9),",\n"))
# Read data; load defaults
z <- c(80, 27, 89, 42,
80, 27, 88, 37,
75, 25, 90, 37,
62, 24, 87, 28,
62, 22, 87, 18,
62, 23, 87, 18,
62, 24, 93, 19,
62, 24, 93, 20,
58, 23, 87, 15,
58, 18, 80, 14,
58, 18, 89, 14,
58, 17, 88, 13,
58, 18, 82, 11,
58, 19, 93, 12,
50, 18, 89, 8,
50, 18, 86, 7,
50, 19, 72, 8,
50, 19, 79, 8,
50, 20, 80, 9,
56, 20, 82, 15,
70, 20, 91, 15)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
y <- x[,4]; x[,4] <- 1
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x)
nq <- np+1
# High breakdown point & high efficiency regression
z <- myhbhe(x, y, iseed=5431)
cat("High breakdown point & high efficiency regression\n")
cat(" theta0 = ("); cat(round(z$theta0,3),sep=", ")
cat("), sigma0 =",round(z$sigm0,3))
cat("\n theta1 = ("); cat(round(z$theta1,3),sep=", ")
cat("), sigma1 = ",round(z$sigm1,3),", tbias =",sep="")
# -------- Examples of Chapter 10: M-estimates for discrete GLM ---------
glmb <- function(x,y,n,np,upar) {
# BI estimates of theta, A, ci and wa: Bernouilli responses, b=upar
# Initial theta, A (A0) and c (c0)
ni <-,n)
z <- gintac(x,y,ni,icase=1,b=upar,c=1.5)
theta0 <- z$theta[1:np]; A0 <- z$a; c0 <- z$ci
# Initial distances |Ax_i| and cut off points a_i (wa)
wa <- upar/z$dist
vtheta <- x %*% theta0
z <- gfedca(vtheta, c0, wa, ni, icase=1)
zc <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=1/n) # See Chpt. 4
covi <- zc$cov
# Final theta, A, c (ci) and a (wa)
z <- gymain(x, y, ni, covi, A0, theta0, b = upar)
theta <- z$theta; A <- z$a; ci <- z$ci; wa <- z$wa; nit <- z$nit
# Final cov. matrix and std. dev's of coeff. estimates
z <- gfedca(z$vtheta, ci, wa, ni, icase=1)
sdev <- NULL
zc <- ktaskw(x, z$d, z$e, f=1/n)
for (i in 1:np) {ii <- i*(i+1)/2; sdev <- c(sdev,zc$cov[ii])}
sdev <- sqrt(sdev)
list(theta=theta, A=A, ci=ci, wa=wa, nit=nit, sdev=sdev)}
# Read data; load defaults
z <- c(3.70, 0.825, 1, 3.50, 1.090, 1,
1.25, 2.500, 1, 0.75, 1.500, 1,
0.80, 3.200, 1, 0.70, 3.500, 1,
0.60, 0.750, 0, 1.10, 1.700, 0,
0.90, 0.750, 0, 0.90, 0.450, 0,
0.80, 0.570, 0, 0.55, 2.750, 0,
0.60, 3.000, 0, 1.40, 2.330, 1,
0.75, 3.750, 1, 2.30, 1.640, 1,
3.20, 1.600, 1, 0.85, 1.415, 1,
1.70, 1.060, 0, 1.80, 1.800, 1,
0.40, 2.000, 0, 0.95, 1.360, 0,
1.35, 1.350, 0, 1.50, 1.360, 0,
1.60, 1.780, 1, 0.60, 1.500, 0,
1.80, 1.500, 1, 0.95, 1.900, 0,
1.90, 0.950, 1, 1.60, 0.400, 0,
2.70, 0.750, 1, 2.35, 0.300, 0,
1.10, 1.830, 0, 1.10, 2.200, 1,
1.20, 2.000, 1, 0.80, 3.330, 1,
0.95, 1.900, 0, 0.75, 1.900, 0,
1.30, 1.625, 1)
x <- matrix(z, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
y <- x[,3]; x[,3] <- log(x[,2]); x[,2] <- log(x[,1]) ; x[,1] <- 1
n <- length(y); np <- ncol(x)
upar <- 3.2*sqrt(np)
z1 <- glmb(x,y,n,np,upar)
upar <- 3.7*sqrt(np)
z2 <- glmb(x,y,n,np,upar)
z <- glmb(x,y,n,np,300) # Classical estimates
cat("\n Robust estimates : upar=5.5426, nit =",z1$nit,"\n")
cat(" {theta[i] (sdev[i]), i=1:3}\n ")
for (i in 1:3) cat(round(z1$theta[i],3)," (",round(z1$sdev[i],3),") ",sep="")
cat("\n\n Robust estimates : upar=6.4086, nit =",z2$nit,"\n")
cat(" {theta[i] (sdev[i]), i=1:3}\n ")
for (i in 1:3) cat(round(z2$theta[i],3)," (",round(z2$sdev[i],3),") ",sep="")
cat("\n\n Classical estimates : upar=300, nit =",z$nit,"\n")
cat(" {theta[i] (sdev[i]), i=1:3}\n ")
for (i in 1:3) cat(round(z$theta[i],3)," (",round(z$sdev[i],3),") ",sep="")
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