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rodeo (version 0.8.2)

rodeo-package: Package to Facilitate ODE-Based Modeling


This package provides methods to

  • import a conceptual ODE-based model stored in tabular form (i.e. as text files or spreadsheets).

  • generate source code (either R or Fortran) to be passed to an ODE-solver.

  • visualize and export basic information about a model, e.g. for documentation purposes.


Class and class methods

See rodeo-class for the rodeo class and the corresponding class methods.

Non-class methods

Type help(package="rodeo") or see the links below to access the documentation of non-class methods contained in the package.

  • buildFromWorkbook Builds and compiles a model fully specified in a workbook (supports .xlsx and .ods format).

  • forcingFunctions Generation of forcing functions in Fortran.

  • exportDF Export of data frames as TEX or HTML code.

  • stoiCreate Creates a stoichiometry matrix from a set of chemical reactions.

  • stoiCheck Validates a stoichiometry matrix by checking for conservation of mass.


Consult the package vignette for details. The concept of writing an ODE system in tabular/matrix form is nicely introduced, e. g., in the book of Reichert, P., Borchardt, D., Henze, M., Rauch, W., Shanahan, P., Somlyody, L., and Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2001): River water quality model No. 1, IWA publishing, ISBN 9781900222822.

The current source code repository is https://github.com/dkneis/rodeo.

See Also