Rs <- ruars(20, rvmises, kappa = 10)
Shat <- mean(Rs) #Estimate the central orientation using the projected mean
rotdist.sum(Rs, Shat, p = 2) #The projected mean minimizes the sum of squared Euclidean
rot.dist(Shat) #distances, compute the minimized sum and estimator bias
#Estimate the central orientation using the posterior mode (not run due to time constraints)
#Compare it to the projected mean in terms of the squared Euclidean distance and bias
# \donttest{
ests <- bayes.mean(Rs, type = "Mises", S0 = mean(Rs), kappa0 = 10, tuneS = 5000,
tuneK = 1, burn_in = 1000, m = 5000)
Shat2 <- ests$Shat #The posterior mode is the 'Shat' object
rotdist.sum(Rs, Shat2, p = 2) #Compute sum of squared Euclidean distances
rot.dist(Shat2) #Bayes estimator bias# }
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