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rotations (version 1.6.5)

bayesCR: Bayes credible regions


Find the radius of a \(100(1-\alpha)\)% credible region for the central orientation and concentration parameter using non-informative Bayesian methods.


bayesCR(x, type, S0, kappa0, tuneS, tuneK, burn_in, m = 5000, alp = 0.1)

# S3 method for SO3 bayesCR(x, type, S0, kappa0, tuneS, tuneK, burn_in, m = 5000, alp = 0.1)

# S3 method for Q4 bayesCR(x, type, S0, kappa0, tuneS, tuneK, burn_in, m = 5000, alp = 0.1)


list of

  • Shat,Qhat Mode of the posterior distribution for the central orientation S

  • Radius Radius of the credible region centered at the posterior mode



\(n\times p\) matrix where each row corresponds to a random rotation in matrix (\(p=9\)) or quaternion (\(p=4\)) form.


Angular distribution assumed on R. Options are Cayley, Fisher or Mises


initial estimate of central orientation


initial estimate of concentration parameter


central orientation tuning parameter, concentration of proposal distribution


concentration tuning parameter, standard deviation of proposal distribution


number of draws to use as burn-in


number of draws to keep from posterior distribution


alpha level desired, e.g. 0.05 or 0.10.


Compute the radius of a \(100(1-\alpha)\)% credible region for the central orientation and concentration parameter as described in bingham2009b and bingham2010. The posterior mode is returned along with the radius of the credible region centered at the posterior mode.

bingham2009b bingham2010

See Also

fisheretal, prentice, chang, zhang


Run this code
#Not run due to time constraints
# \donttest{
Rs <- ruars(20, rvmises, kappa = 10)

#Compare the region size of the moment based theory mean estimator to the
#Bayes region.

region(Rs, method = "direct", type = "theory", estimator = "mean", alp=0.1, m = 100)
bayesCR <- region(Rs, type = "Mises", method = "Bayes", estimator = "mean", S0 = mean(Rs),
                   kappa0 = 10, tuneS = 5000, tuneK = 1, burn_in = 1000, alp = .01, m = 5000)

bayesCR$Radius       #Region size is give by "Radius"
bayesCR$Shat         #The Bayes region is centered around the posterior mode: "Shat"# }

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