## Reproduce Table 6.3 from Maronna et al. (2006), page 213
bus <- as.matrix(bus)
## calculate MADN for each variable
xmad <- apply(bus, 2, mad)
cat("\nMin, Max of MADN: ", min(xmad), max(xmad), "\n")
## MADN vary between 0 (for variable 9) and 34. Therefore exclude
## variable 9 and divide the remaining variables by their MADNs.
bus1 <- bus[, -9]
madbus <- apply(bus1, 2, mad)
bus2 <- sweep(bus1, 2, madbus, "/", check.margin = FALSE)
## Compute classical and robust PCA (Spherical/Locantore, Hubert, MCD and OGK)
pca <- PcaClassic(bus2)
rpca <- PcaLocantore(bus2)
pcaHubert <- PcaHubert(bus2, k=17, kmax=17, mcd=FALSE)
pcamcd <- PcaCov(bus2, cov.control=CovControlMcd())
pcaogk <- PcaCov(bus2, cov.control=CovControlOgk())
ev <- getEigenvalues(pca)
evrob <- getEigenvalues(rpca)
evhub <- getEigenvalues(pcaHubert)
evmcd <- getEigenvalues(pcamcd)
evogk <- getEigenvalues(pcaogk)
uvar <- matrix(nrow=6, ncol=6)
svar <- sum(ev)
svarrob <- sum(evrob)
svarhub <- sum(evhub)
svarmcd <- sum(evmcd)
svarogk <- sum(evogk)
for(i in 1:6){
uvar[i,1] <- i
uvar[i,2] <- round((svar - sum(ev[1:i]))/svar, 3)
uvar[i,3] <- round((svarrob - sum(evrob[1:i]))/svarrob, 3)
uvar[i,4] <- round((svarhub - sum(evhub[1:i]))/svarhub, 3)
uvar[i,5] <- round((svarmcd - sum(evmcd[1:i]))/svarmcd, 3)
uvar[i,6] <- round((svarogk - sum(evogk[1:i]))/svarogk, 3)
uvar <- as.data.frame(uvar)
names(uvar) <- c("q", "Classical","Spherical", "Hubert", "MCD", "OGK")
cat("\nBus data: proportion of unexplained variability for q components\n")
## Reproduce Table 6.4 from Maronna et al. (2006), page 214
## Compute classical and robust PCA extracting only the first 3 components
## and take the squared orthogonal distances to the 3-dimensional hyperplane
pca3 <- PcaClassic(bus2, k=3) # classical
rpca3 <- PcaLocantore(bus2, k=3) # spherical (Locantore, 1999)
hpca3 <- PcaHubert(bus2, k=3) # Hubert
dist <- pca3@od^2
rdist <- rpca3@od^2
hdist <- hpca3@od^2
## calculate the quantiles of the distances to the 3-dimensional hyperplane
qclass <- round(quantile(dist, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.1)[-c(1,11)]), 1)
qspc <- round(quantile(rdist, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.1)[-c(1,11)]), 1)
qhubert <- round(quantile(hdist, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.1)[-c(1,11)]), 1)
qq <- cbind(rbind(qclass, qspc, qhubert), round(c(max(dist), max(rdist), max(hdist)), 0))
colnames(qq)[10] <- "Max"
rownames(qq) <- c("Classical", "Spherical", "Hubert")
cat("\nBus data: quantiles of distances to hiperplane\n")
## Reproduce Fig 6.1 from Maronna et al. (2006), page 214
cat("\nBus data: Q-Q plot of logs of distances to hyperplane (k=3)
\nfrom classical and robust estimates. The line is the identity diagonal\n")
plot(sort(log(dist)), sort(log(rdist)), xlab="classical", ylab="robust")
lines(sort(log(dist)), sort(log(dist)))
# }
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