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rrcov (version 1.7-6)

hemophilia: Hemophilia Data


The hemophilia data set contains two measured variables on 75 women, belonging to two groups: n1=30 of them are non-carriers (normal group) and n2=45 are known hemophilia A carriers (obligatory carriers).





A data frame with 75 observations on the following 3 variables.


AHF activity


AHF antigen


group - normal or obligatory carrier


Originally analized in the context of discriminant analysis by Habemma and Hermans (1974). The objective is to find a procedure for detecting potential hemophilia A carriers on the basis of two measured variables: X1=log10(AHV activity) and X2=log10(AHV-like antigen). The first group of n1=30 women consists of known non-carriers (normal group) and the second group of n2=45 women is selected from known hemophilia A carriers (obligatory carriers). This data set was also analyzed by Johnson and Wichern (1998) as well as, in the context of robust Linear Discriminant Analysis by Hawkins and McLachlan (1997) and Hubert and Van Driessen (2004).


Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D. W. Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Prentice Hall, International Editions, 2002, fifth edition)

Hawkins, D. M. and McLachlan, G.J. (1997) High-Breakdown Linear Discriminant Analysis J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 92 136--143.

Hubert, M., Van Driessen, K. (2004) Fast and robust discriminant analysis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 45 301--320.


Run this code
plot(AHFantigen~AHFactivity, data=hemophilia, col=as.numeric(as.factor(gr))+1)
## Compute robust location and covariance matrix and 
## plot the tolerance ellipses
(mcd <- CovMcd(hemophilia[,1:2]))
col <- ifelse(hemophilia$gr == "carrier", 2, 3) ## define clours for the groups
plot(mcd, which="tolEllipsePlot", class=TRUE, col=col)

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