## The Bus data from package ThreeWay
data(Bus) # from ThreeWay: 7x5x37, unfolded to 7x185
## Preprocessing
max.scale <- c(47, 10, 10, 15, 15)
maxBus <- rep(max.scale, 37)
BusN <- t(t(Bus)/maxBus)
## Use rarray to turn back to a 3-way array
X <- rarray(BusN, 7, 5, 37)
dimnames(X) <- list(dimnames(Bus)[[1]], c("L-Occ", "P-Occ", "Q-Occ",
"S-Occ", "R-Occ"), paste("V",1:37,sep=""))
## Perform classical Tucker3 (nor robust option and no
## ilr transformation for compositional data)
res <- Tucker3(X, robust=FALSE, ilr=FALSE)
## Distance-distance plot
plot(res, which="dd", main="Distance-distance plot")
## Paired component plot, mode A
plot(res, which="comp", main="Paired component plot (mode A)")
## Paired component plot, mode B
plot(res, which="comp", mode="B", main="Paired component plot (mode B)")
## Joint biplot
plot(res, which="jbplot", main="Joint biplot")
## Trajectory plot
plot(res, which="tjplot", main="Trajectory biplot")
# }
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