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rrcov3way (version 0.5-0)

amino: Amino acids fluorescence data.


A data set containing five simple laboratory-made samples where each sample contains different amounts of tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine dissolved in phosphate buffered water. The samples were measured by fluorescence (excitation 240-300 nm, emission 250-450 nm, 1 nm intervals) on a PE LS50B spectrofluorometer.





A three-way array with dimension 5x201x61. The first dimension refers to the 5 samples. The second dimension refers to the emission measurements (250-450nm, 1nm intervals). The third dimension refers to the excitation (240-300 nm, 1nm intervals).


Bro, R, PARAFAC: Tutorial and applications, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 1997, 38, 149-171 Bro, R, Multi-way Analysis in the Food Industry. Models, Algorithms, and Applications. 1998. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Amsterdam (NL) & Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (DK). Kiers, H.A.L. (1998) A three-step algorithm for Candecomp/Parafac analysis of large data sets with multicollinearity, Journal of Chemometrics, 12, 155-171.


Run this code
 if (FALSE) {

 ##  Plotting Emission spectra
 oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))
 matplot(t(amino[,,1]), type="l",
     xlab="Wavelength/nm", ylab="Intensity",
     main="Fluorescence emission spectra")
 matplot(t(amino[,,5]), type="l",
     xlab="Wavelength/nm", ylab="Intensity",
     main="Fluorescence emission spectra")

 ##  Plotting excitation spectra
 oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))
 matplot(t(amino[,1,]), type="l",
     xlab="Wavelength/nm", ylab="Intensity",
     main="Fluorescence excitation spectra")
 matplot(t(amino[,30,]), type="l",
     xlab="Wavelength/nm", ylab="Intensity",
     main="Fluorescence excitation spectra")


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab