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rsample (version 0.0.9)

permutations: Permutation sampling


A permutation sample is the same size as the original data set and is made by permuting/shuffling one or more columns. This results in analysis samples where some columns are in their original order and some columns are permuted to a random order. Unlike other sampling functions in rsample, there is no assessment set and calling assessment() on a permutation split will throw an error.


permutations(data, permute = NULL, times = 25, apparent = FALSE, ...)



A data frame.


One or more columns to shuffle. This argument supports tidyselect selectors. Multiple expressions can be combined with c(). Variable names can be used as if they were positions in the data frame, so expressions like x:y can be used to select a range of variables. See language for more details.


The number of permutation samples.


A logical. Should an extra resample be added where the analysis is the standard data set.


Not currently used.


A tibble with classes permutations, rset, tbl_df, tbl, and data.frame. The results include a column for the data split objects and a column called id that has a character string with the resample identifier.


The argument apparent enables the option of an additional "resample" where the analysis data set is the same as the original data set. Permutation-based resampling can be especially helpful for computing a statistic under the null hypothesis (e.g. t-statistic). This forms the basis of a permutation test, which computes a test statistic under all possible permutations of the data.


Run this code
permutations(mtcars, mpg, times = 2)
permutations(mtcars, mpg, times = 2, apparent = TRUE)

resample1 <- permutations(mtcars, starts_with("c"), times = 1)
resample1$splits[[1]] %>% analysis()

resample2 <- permutations(mtcars, hp, times = 10, apparent = TRUE)
map_dbl(resample2$splits, function(x) {
  t.test(hp ~ vs, data = analysis(x))$statistic

# }

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