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rsconnect (version 1.3.4)

applications: List Deployed Applications


List all applications currently deployed for a given account.


applications(account = NULL, server = NULL)


Returns a data frame with the following columns:

idApplication unique id
nameName of application
titleApplication title
urlURL where application can be accessed
statusCurrent status of application. Valid values are pending, deploying, running, terminating, and terminated
sizeInstance size (small, medium, large, etc.) (on ShinyApps.io)
instancesNumber of instances (on ShinyApps.io)
config_urlURL where application can be configured


account, server

Uniquely identify a remote server with either your user account, the server name, or both. If neither are supplied, and there are multiple options, you'll be prompted to pick one.

Use accounts() to see the full list of available options.

See Also

deployApp(), terminateApp()

Other Deployment functions: deployAPI(), deployApp(), deployDoc(), deploySite(), deployTFModel()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# list all applications for the default account

# list all applications for a specific account

# view the list of applications in the data viewer

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab