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rsdmx (version 0.6-5)

readSDMX: readSDMX


readSDMX is the main function to use to read SDMX data


readSDMX(file = NULL, isURL = TRUE, isRData = FALSE,
  provider = NULL, providerId = NULL, providerKey = NULL,
  agencyId = NULL, resource = NULL, resourceId = NULL, version = NULL,
  flowRef = NULL, key = NULL, key.mode = "R", start = NULL, end = NULL, dsd = FALSE,
  headers = list(), validate = FALSE, references = NULL,
  verbose = !is.null(logger), logger = "INFO", ...)


an object of class "SDMX"



path to SDMX-ML document that needs to be parsed


a value of class "logical" either the path is an url, and data has to be downloaded from a SDMXweb-repository. Default value is TRUE. Ignored in case readSDMX is used with helpers (based on the embedded list of SDMXServiceProvider)


a value of class "logical" either the path is local RData file handling an object of class "SDMX", previously saved with saveSDMX. Default value is FALSE.


an object of class "SDMXServiceProvider". If specified, file and isURL arguments will be ignored.


an object of class "character" representing a provider id. It has to be match a default provider as listed ingetSDMXServiceProviders()


an object of class "character" giving a key to authenticate for the given provider endpoint. Some providers may require an authentication or subscription key to perform SDMX requests.


an object of class "character representing an agency id, for which data should be requested (from a particular service provider)


an object of class "character" giving the SDMX service request resource to query e.g. "data". Recognized if a valid provider or provide id has been specified as argument.


an object of class "character" giving a SDMX service resource Id, e.g. the id of a data structure


an object of class "character" giving a SDMX resource version, e.g. the version of a dataflow.


an object of class "character" giving the SDMX flow ref id. Recognized if valid provider or provide id has been specified as argument.


an object of class "character" or "list" giving the SDMX data key/filter to apply. Recognized if a valid provider or provide id has been specified as argument. If key.mode is equal to "R" (default value), filter has to be an object of class "list" representing the filters to apply to the dataset, otherwise the filter will be a string.


an object of class "character" indicating if the key has to be provided as an R object, ie a object of class "list" representing the filter(s) to apply. Default value is "R". Alternative value is "SDMX"


an object of class "integer" or "character" giving the SDMX start time to apply. Recognized if a valid provider or provide id has been specified as argument.


an object of class "integer" or "character" giving the SDMX end time to apply. Recognized if a valid provider or provide id has been specified as argument.


an Object of class "logical" if an attempt to inherit the DSD should be performed. Active only if "readSDMX" is used as helper method (ie if data is fetched using an embedded service provider. Default is FALSE


an object of class "list" that contains any additional headers for the request.


an object of class "logical" indicating if a validation check has to be performed on the SDMX-ML document to check its SDMX compliance when reading it. Default is FALSE.


an object of class "character" giving the instructions to return (or not) the artefacts referenced by the artefact to be returned.


an Object of class "logical" that indicates if rsdmx logs should appear to user. Default is set to FALSE (see argument logger).


reports if a logger has to be used to print log messages. Default is NULL (no logs). Use "INFO" to print rsdmx logs, and "DEBUG" to print verbose messages from SDMX web requests.


(any other parameter to pass to httr::GET request)


Emmanuel Blondel, emmanuel.blondel1@gmail.com


Run this code
 # SDMX datasets
 if (FALSE) {
   # Not run
   # (local dataset examples)
   #with SDMX 2.0
   tmp <- system.file("extdata","Example_Eurostat_2.0.xml", package="rsdmx")
   sdmx <- readSDMX(tmp, isURL = FALSE)
   stats <- as.data.frame(sdmx)
   #with SDMX 2.1
   tmpnew <- system.file("extdata","Example_Eurostat_2.1.xml", package="rsdmx")
   sdmx <- readSDMX(tmpnew, isURL = FALSE)
   stats <- as.data.frame(sdmx)
   ## End(**Not run**)
 if (FALSE) {
   # Not run by 'R CMD check'
   # (reliable remote datasource but with possible occasional unavailability)
   #examples using embedded providers
   sdmx <- readSDMX(providerId = "OECD", resource = "data", flowRef = "MIG",
                     key = list("TOT", NULL, NULL), start = 2011, end = 2011)
   stats <- as.data.frame(sdmx)
   #examples using 'file' argument
   #using url (Eurostat REST SDMX 2.1)
   url <- paste("http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/SDMX/diss-web/rest/data/",
                sep = "")
   sdmx <- readSDMX(url)
   stats <- as.data.frame(sdmx)
   ## End(**Not run**)
 # SDMX DataStructureDefinition (DSD)
 if (FALSE) {
   # Not run by 'R CMD check'
   # (reliable remote datasource but with possible occasional unavailability)
   #using embedded providers
   dsd <- readSDMX(providerId = "OECD", resource = "datastructure",
                   resourceId = "WATER_ABSTRACT")
   #get codelists from DSD
   cls <- slot(dsd, "codelists")
   codelists <- sapply(slot(cls,"codelists"), slot, "id") #get list of codelists
   #get a codelist
   codelist <- as.data.frame(cls, codelistId = "CL_WATER_ABSTRACT_SOURCE")
   #get concepts from DSD
   concepts <- as.data.frame(slot(dsd, "concepts"))
   ## End(**Not run**)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab