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rstan (version 2.32.3)

stan_rdump: Dump the data for a Stan model to R dump file in the limited format that Stan can read.


This function takes a vector of names of R objects and outputs text representations of the objects to a file or connection. The file created by stan_rdump is typically used as data input of the Stan package (https://mc-stan.org/) or sourced into another R session. The usage of this function is very similar to dump in R.


stan_rdump(list, file = "", append = FALSE, 
          envir = parent.frame(),
          width = options("width")$width, 
          quiet = FALSE)


An invisible character vector containing the names of the objects that were dumped.



A vector of character string: the names of one or more R objects to be dumped. See the note below.


Either a character string naming a file or a connection. "" indicates output to the console.


Logical: if TRUE and file is a character string, output will be appended to file; otherwise, it will overwrite the contents of file.


The environment to search for objects.


The width for maximum characters on a line. The output is broken into lines with width.


Whether to suppress warning messages that would appear when a variable is not found or not supported for dumping (not being numeric or it would not be converted to numeric) or a variable name is not allowed in Stan.


The Stan Development Team Stan Modeling Language User's Guide and Reference Manual. https://mc-stan.org.

See Also


Run this code
# set variables in global environment
a <- 17.5
b <- c(1,2,3)
# write variables a and b to file ab.data.R in temporary directory
stan_rdump(c('a','b'), file.path(tempdir(), "ab.data.R"))
unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "ab.data.R"))

x <- 1; y <- 1:10; z <- array(1:10, dim = c(2,5)) 
stan_rdump(ls(pattern = '^[xyz]'), file.path(tempdir(), "xyz.Rdump"))
cat(paste(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "xyz.Rdump")), collapse = '\n'), '\n')
unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "xyz.Rdump"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab