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rstanarm (version 2.21.3)

loo_predict.stanreg: Compute weighted expectations using LOO


These functions are wrappers around the E_loo function (loo package) that provide compatibility for rstanarm models.


# S3 method for stanreg
  type = c("mean", "var", "quantile"),
  probs = 0.5,
  psis_object = NULL

# S3 method for stanreg loo_linpred( object, type = c("mean", "var", "quantile"), probs = 0.5, transform = FALSE, ..., psis_object = NULL )

# S3 method for stanreg loo_predictive_interval(object, prob = 0.9, ..., psis_object = NULL)


A list with elements value and pareto_k.

For loo_predict and loo_linpred the value component is a vector with one element per observation.

For loo_predictive_interval the value component is a matrix with one row per observation and two columns (like

predictive_interval). loo_predictive_interval(..., prob = p) is equivalent to loo_predict(..., type = "quantile", probs = c(a, 1-a)) with a = (1 - p)/2, except it transposes the result and adds informative column names.

See E_loo and pareto-k-diagnostic for details on the pareto_k diagnostic.



A fitted model object returned by one of the rstanarm modeling functions. See stanreg-objects.


The type of expectation to compute. The options are "mean", "variance", and "quantile".


For computing quantiles, a vector of probabilities.


Currently unused.


An object returned by psis. If missing then psis will be run internally, which may be time consuming for models fit to very large datasets.


Passed to posterior_linpred.


For loo_predictive_interval, a scalar in \((0,1)\) indicating the desired probability mass to include in the intervals. The default is prob=0.9 (\(90\)% intervals).


Vehtari, A., Gelman, A., and Gabry, J. (2017). Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Statistics and Computing. 27(5), 1413--1432. doi:10.1007/s11222-016-9696-4. arXiv preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.04544

Yao, Y., Vehtari, A., Simpson, D., and Gelman, A. (2018) Using stacking to average Bayesian predictive distributions. Bayesian Analysis, advance publication, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1214/17-BA1091").

Gabry, J. , Simpson, D. , Vehtari, A. , Betancourt, M. and Gelman, A. (2019), Visualization in Bayesian workflow. J. R. Stat. Soc. A, 182: 389-402. doi:10.1111/rssa.12378, arXiv preprint, code on GitHub)


Run this code
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows" || .Platform$r_arch != "i386") {
if (FALSE) {
if (!exists("example_model")) example(example_model)

# optionally, log-weights can be pre-computed and reused
psis_result <- loo::psis(log_ratios = -log_lik(example_model))

loo_probs <- loo_linpred(example_model, type = "mean", transform = TRUE, psis_object = psis_result)

loo_pred_var <- loo_predict(example_model, type = "var", psis_object = psis_result)

loo_pred_ints <- loo_predictive_interval(example_model, prob = 0.8, psis_object = psis_result)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab