This is the same model as with
but it utilizes the
output from biglm
in the biglm package in order to
proceed when the data is too large to fit in memory.
prior = R2(stop("'location' must be specified")),
prior_intercept = NULL,
prior_PD = FALSE,
algorithm = c("sampling", "meanfield", "fullrank"),
adapt_delta = NULL
has_intercept = TRUE,
prior = R2(stop("'location' must be specified")),
prior_intercept = NULL,
prior_PD = FALSE,
algorithm = c("sampling", "meanfield", "fullrank", "optimizing"),
adapt_delta = NULL,
importance_resampling = TRUE,
keep_every = 1
The output of both stan_biglm
is an
object of stanfit-class
rather than
, which is more limited and less convenient
but necessitated by the fact that stan_biglm
does not bring the full
design matrix into memory. Without the full design matrix,some of the
elements of a stanreg-objects
object cannot be calculated,
such as residuals. Thus, the functions in the rstanarm package that
input stanreg-objects
, such as
cannot be used.
The list output by biglm
in the biglm
A numeric vector of column means in the implicit design matrix excluding the intercept for the observations included in the model.
A numeric scalar indicating the mean of the outcome for the observations included in the model.
A numeric scalar indicating the unbiased sample standard deviation of the outcome for the observations included in the model.
Further arguments passed to the function in the rstan
package (sampling
, or
corresponding to the estimation method named by algorithm
. For example,
if algorithm
is "sampling"
it is possible to specify iter
, cores
, and other MCMC controls.
Another useful argument that can be passed to rstan via ...
, which specifies how often to print updates when sampling
(i.e., show the progress every refresh
iterations). refresh=0
turns off the iteration updates.
Must be a call to R2
with its location
argument specified or NULL
, which would indicate a standard uniform
prior for the \(R^2\).
Either NULL
(the default) or a call to
. If a normal
prior is specified
without a scale
, then the standard deviation is taken to be
the marginal standard deviation of the outcome divided by the square
root of the sample size, which is legitimate because the marginal
standard deviation of the outcome is a primitive parameter being
Note: If using a dense representation of the design matrix
---i.e., if the sparse
argument is left at its default value of
--- then the prior distribution for the intercept is set so it
applies to the value when all predictors are centered. If you prefer
to specify a prior on the intercept without the predictors being
auto-centered, then you have to omit the intercept from the
and include a column of ones as a predictor,
in which case some element of prior
specifies the prior on it,
rather than prior_intercept
. Regardless of how
is specified, the reported estimates of the
intercept always correspond to a parameterization without centered
predictors (i.e., same as in glm
A logical scalar (defaulting to FALSE
) indicating
whether to draw from the prior predictive distribution instead of
conditioning on the outcome.
A string (possibly abbreviated) indicating the
estimation approach to use. Can be "sampling"
for MCMC (the
default), "optimizing"
for optimization, "meanfield"
variational inference with independent normal distributions, or
for variational inference with a multivariate normal
distribution. See rstanarm-package
for more details on the
estimation algorithms. NOTE: not all fitting functions support all four
Only relevant if algorithm="sampling"
. See
the adapt_delta help page for details.
A numeric vector of OLS coefficients, excluding the intercept
A square upper-triangular matrix from the QR decomposition of the design matrix, excluding the intercept
A numeric scalar indicating the sum-of-squared residuals for OLS
A integer scalar indicating the number of included observations
A logical scalar indicating whether to add an intercept to the model when estimating it.
Logical scalar indicating whether to use
importance resampling when approximating the posterior distribution with
a multivariate normal around the posterior mode, which only applies
when algorithm
is "optimizing"
but defaults to TRUE
in that case
Positive integer, which defaults to 1, but can be higher
in order to thin the importance sampling realizations and also only
apples when algorithm
is "optimizing"
but defaults to
in that case
The stan_biglm
function is intended to be used in the same
circumstances as the biglm
function in the biglm
package but with an informative prior on the \(R^2\) of the regression.
Like biglm
, the memory required to estimate the model
depends largely on the number of predictors rather than the number of
observations. However, stan_biglm
additional required arguments that are not necessary in
, namely xbar
, ybar
, and s_y
If any observations have any missing values on any of the predictors or the
outcome, such observations do not contribute to these statistics.
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows" || .Platform$r_arch != "i386") {
# create inputs
ols <- lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars, # all row are complete so ...
na.action = na.exclude) # not necessary in this case
b <- coef(ols)[-1]
R <- qr.R(ols$qr)[-1,-1]
SSR <- crossprod(ols$residuals)[1]
not_NA <- !
N <- sum(not_NA)
xbar <- colMeans(mtcars[not_NA,c("wt", "qsec", "am")])
y <- mtcars$mpg[not_NA]
ybar <- mean(y)
s_y <- sd(y)
post <-, R, SSR, N, xbar, ybar, s_y, prior = R2(.75),
# the next line is only to make the example go fast
chains = 1, iter = 500, seed = 12345)
cbind(lm = b, stan_lm = rstan::get_posterior_mean(post)[13:15,]) # shrunk
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