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rstudioapi (version 0.14)

registerCommandStreamCallback: Register Command Stream Callback


Registers a callback to be executed whenever any RStudio command is invoked.




A handle representing the registration. Pass this handle to unregisterCommandCallback to unregister the callback.



A function to execute when the command is invoked.


The callback function will be given a single argument with the ID of the command that was invoked. See the RStudio Server Professional Administration Guide appendix for a list of command IDs.

Note that there is a small performance penalty incurred across the IDE when a command stream listener is present. If you only need to listen to a few specific commands, it is recommended to set up callbacks for them individually using registerCommandCallback.

See Also

unregisterCommandCallback to unregister the callback, and registerCommandCallback to be notified whenever a specific command is executed.


Run this code

if (FALSE) {
# Set up a callback to print the ID of commands executed to the console.
handle <- rstudioapi::registerCommandStreamCallback(function(id) {
  message("Command executed: ", id)

# Later: Unregister the callback

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab