Create a project template. See for more information.
package = ".",
subtitle = paste("Create a new", title),
caption = paste("Create", title),
icon = NULL,
open_files = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
edit = TRUE
The path to an package sources.
The skeleton function to associate with this project template. This is the name of the function that will be used to initialize the project.
The title to be shown within the New Project... wizard.
(optional) The subtitle to be shown within the New Project... wizard.
(optional) The caption to be shown on the landing page for this template.
(optional) The path to an icon, on disk, to be used in the
dialog. Must be an .png
of size less than 64KB.
(optional) Files that should be opened by RStudio when the project is generated. Shell-style globs can be used to indicate when multiple files matching some pattern should be opened -- for example, OpenFiles: R/*.R would indicate that RStudio should open all .R files within the R folder of the generated project.
Boolean; overwrite a pre-existing template file if one exists?
Boolean; open the file for editting after creation?