# \donttest{
# The following command will download the complete example data set
# downloadRtopExampleData()
rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")
# Setting some parameters; nclus > 1 will start a cluster with nclus
# workers for parallel processing
params = list(gDist = TRUE, cloud = FALSE, nclus = 1, rresol = 25)
# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM
# Build an object
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations,
params = params, formulaString = "obs~1")
# Fit a variogram (function also creates it)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj)
# Conditional simulations for two new locations
rtopObj10 = rtopSim(rtopObj, nsim = 5)
rtopObj11 = rtopObj
# Unconditional simulation at the observation locations
# (These are moved to the predictionLocations)
rtopObj11$predictionLocations = rtopObj11$observations
rtopObj11$observations = NULL
# Setting varMatUpdate to TRUE, to make sure that covariance
# matrices are recomputed
rtopObj12 = rtopSim(rtopObj11, nsim = 10, beta = 0.01,
varMatUpdate = TRUE)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab