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rtweet (version 1.1.0)

get_trends: Get Twitter trends data.


Get Twitter trends data.


  woeid = 1,
  lat = NULL,
  lng = NULL,
  exclude_hashtags = FALSE,
  token = NULL,
  parse = TRUE


Tibble data frame of trends data for a given geographical area.



Numeric, WOEID (Yahoo! Where On Earth ID) or character string of desired town or country. Users may also supply latitude and longitude coordinates to fetch the closest available trends data given the provided location. Latitude/longitude coordinates should be provided as WOEID value consisting of 2 numeric values or via one latitude value and one longitude value (to the appropriately named parameters). To browse all available trend places, see trends_available()


Optional alternative to WOEID. Numeric, latitude in degrees. If two coordinates are provided for WOEID, this function will coerce the first value to latitude.


Optional alternative to WOEID. Numeric, longitude in degrees. If two coordinates are provided for WOEID, this function will coerce the second value to longitude.


Logical, indicating whether or not to exclude hashtags. Defaults to FALSE--meaning, hashtags are included in returned trends.


Expert use only. Use this to override authentication for a single API call. In most cases you are better off changing the default for all calls. See auth_as() for details.


If TRUE, the default, returns a tidy data frame. Use FALSE to return the "raw" list corresponding to the JSON returned from the Twitter API.

See Also

Other trends: trends_available()


Run this code
if (auth_has_default()) {

## Retrieve available trends
trends <- trends_available()

## Store WOEID for Worldwide trends
worldwide <- trends$woeid[grep("world", trends$name, ignore.case = TRUE)[1]]

## Retrieve worldwide trends datadata
ww_trends <- get_trends(worldwide)

## Preview trends data

## Retrieve trends data using latitude, longitude near New York City
nyc_trends <- get_trends(lat = 40.7, lng = -74.0)

## should be same result if lat/long supplied as first argument
nyc_trends <- get_trends(c(40.7, -74.0))

## Preview trends data

## Provide a city or location name using a regular expression string to
## have the function internals do the WOEID lookup/matching for you
(luk <- get_trends("london"))


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab