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rtweet (version 1.1.0)

lists_members: Get Twitter list members (users on a given list).


Get Twitter list members (users on a given list).


  list_id = NULL,
  slug = NULL,
  owner_user = NULL,
  n = 5000,
  cursor = "-1",
  token = NULL,
  retryonratelimit = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  parse = TRUE,



required The numerical id of the list.


required You can identify a list by its slug instead of its numerical id. If you decide to do so, note that you'll also have to specify the list owner using the owner_id or owner_user parameters.


optional The screen name or user ID of the user


Desired number of results to return. Results are downloaded in pages when n is large; the default value will download a single page. Set n = Inf to download as many results as possible.

The Twitter API rate limits the number of requests you can perform in each 15 minute period. The easiest way to download more than that is to use retryonratelimit = TRUE.

You are not guaranteed to get exactly n results back. You will get fewer results when tweets have been deleted or if you hit a rate limit. You will get more results if you ask for a number of tweets that's not a multiple of page size, e.g. if you request n = 150 and the page size is 200, you'll get 200 results back.


Which page of results to return. The default will return the first page; you can supply the result from a previous call to continue pagination from where it left off.


Expert use only. Use this to override authentication for a single API call. In most cases you are better off changing the default for all calls. See auth_as() for details.


If TRUE, and a rate limit is exhausted, will wait until it refreshes. Most Twitter rate limits refresh every 15 minutes. If FALSE, and the rate limit is exceeded, the function will terminate early with a warning; you'll still get back all results received up to that point. The default value, NULL, consults the option rtweet.retryonratelimit so that you can globally set it to TRUE, if desired.

If you expect a query to take hours or days to perform, you should not rely soley on retryonratelimit because it does not handle other common failure modes like temporarily losing your internet connection.


Show progress bars and other messages indicating current progress?


If TRUE, the default, returns a tidy data frame. Use FALSE to return the "raw" list corresponding to the JSON returned from the Twitter API.


Other arguments used as parameters in query composition.



See Also

Other lists: lists_statuses(), lists_subscribers(), lists_subscriptions(), lists_users()


Run this code
if (auth_has_default()) {

## get list members for a list of rstats experts using list_id
(rstats <- lists_members("1260528710559694850"))

## get list members for an rstats list using list topic slug
## list owner's screen name
rstats <- lists_members(slug = "r-people", owner_user = "Lluis_Revilla")


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab