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rtweet (version 1.2.1)

stream_tweets: Collect a live stream of Twitter data


Streams public statuses to a file via one of the following four methods:

  1. Sampling a small random sample of all publicly available tweets

  2. Filtering via a search-like query (up to 400 keywords)

  3. Tracking via vector of user ids (up to 5000 user_ids)

  4. Location via geo coordinates (1-360 degree location boxes)

Learn more in vignette("stream", package = "rtweet")


  q = "",
  timeout = 30,
  parse = TRUE,
  token = NULL,
  file_name = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  append = TRUE,


A tibble with one row per tweet



Query used to select and customize streaming collection method. There are four possible methods:

  1. The default, q = "", returns a small random sample of all publicly available Twitter statuses.

  2. To filter by keyword, provide a comma separated character string with the desired phrase(s) and keyword(s).

  3. Track users by providing a comma separated list of user IDs or screen names.

  4. Use four latitude/longitude bounding box points to stream by geo location. This must be provided via a vector of length 4, e.g., c(-125, 26, -65, 49).


Integer specifying number of seconds to stream tweets for. Stream indefinitely with timeout = Inf.

The stream can be interrupted at any time, and file_name will still be valid file.


Use FALSE to opt-out of parsing the tweets.


Use this to override authentication for a single API call. In many cases you are better off changing the default for all calls. See auth_as() for details.


Character with name of file. If not specified, will write to a temporary file stream_tweets*.json.


If TRUE, display a progress bar.


If TRUE, will append to the end of file_name; if FALSE, will overwrite.


Other arguments passed in to query parameters.


They were removed from the website.

The webpages describing how it used to work were removed.

See Also



Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# stream tweets mentioning "#rstats" for 10 seconds
rstats1 <- stream_tweets("#rstats", timeout = 10, file_name = "rstats.json")

# Download another 10s worth of data to the same file
rstats2 <- stream_tweets("#rstats", timeout = 10, file_name = "rstats.json",
                         append = TRUE)

# stream tweets about continental USA for 10 seconds
usa <- stream_tweets(location = lookup_coords("usa"), file_name = "usa.json",
                     timeout = 10)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab