Class for the ARFIMA specification.
:Object of class "vector"
signature(object = "ARFIMAspec")
Specification summary.
signature(object = "ARFIMAspec",
value = "vector")
Sets the fixed parameters (which must be supplied as a named list).
signature(object = "ARFIMAspec",
value = "vector")
Sets the starting parameters (which must be supplied as a named list).
signature(object = "ARFIMAspec", value = "vector")
Sets the parameters lower and upper bounds, which must be supplied as a named
list with each parameter being a numeric vector of length 2 i.e.
"ar1"=c(-1,1)). If the vector is of length 1, then this is assumed to be
the lower bound, and the upper bound will be set to its default value prior
to estimation.
signature(object = "ARFIMAspec")
Returns the unconditional mean of a specification which has been assigned
fixed parameters.