Class for the univariate GARCH Path simulation.
A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.
signature(object = "uGARCHpath")
Extracts the conditional sigma simulated values as a matrix of size n.sim x m.sim.
signature(object = "uGARCHpath")
Extracts the conditional mean simulated values as a matrix of size n.sim x m.sim.
signature(x = "uGARCHpath")
Calculates and returns, given a scalar for the probability (additional argument
“probs”), the conditional quantile of the simulated object as an
n.sim by m.sim matrix (with the same type of headings as the sigma and
fitted methods).
signature(x = "uGARCHpath", y = "missing")
: path simulation plots.
signature(object = "uGARCHpath")
: path simulation summary.