Joins data referenced by country codes to an internally stored map to enable
plotting. The user specifies which country code their data are referenced
by, and the name of the column in their data containing that referencing
data. The user can choose from different map resolutions, using the function
to retrieve the map. The function reports on how many
countries successfully join to the map. Data can then be plotted using
. NEW to version 1.01 Oct 2012 : for
joinCode='NAME' alternative country names are matched using
The projection argument has now been deprecated, you can project maps using
package rgdal as shown below and in the FAQ.
get countries excluding Antarctica which crashes spTransform
sPDF <-
#transform to robin for
the Robinson projection
sPDF <- spTransform(sPDF, CRS=CRS("+proj=robin
mapCountryData( sPDF, nameColumnToPlot="REGION")