- dF
a dataframe containing at least one column with numeric data and
one with country names or other labels
- nameColumnToPlot
name of column containing the data you want to plot
- nameCountryColumn
name of column containing country names (or other
labels to be used in plot)
- numPanels
the number of layout panels in the plot
- scaleSameInPanels
whether to set the scale the same in each panel
TRUE/FALSE, default=FALSE allowing more of the variability in the data to be
- main
title for the plot
- numCats
number of categories to put the data in, may be modified if
this number is incompatible with the catMethod chosen
- catMethod
method for categorisation of data "pretty", "fixedWidth",
"diverging", "logFixedWidth","quantiles","categorical", or a numeric vector
defining breaks
- colourPalette
a string describing the colour palette to use, choice
of :
= "palette" for the current palette
a vector of
valid colours, e.g. =c('red','white','blue') or output from RColourBrewer
= one of "heat", "diverging", "white2Black", "black2White", "topo",
"rainbow", "terrain", "negpos8", "negpos9"
- addLegend
NOT YET WORKING whether to add a legend or not, TRUE/FALSE
- toPDF
whether to output the plot to a pdf rather than the screen,
- outFile
output filename if toPDF=TRUE
- decreasing
logical. Should the sort order be increasing or
- na.last
for controlling the treatment of NAs. If TRUE, missing values
in the data are put last; if FALSE, they are put first; if NA, they are
- cex
sizing of labels, default = 0.7
- ...
other arguments to pass to barplot