- dataset
gridded data either as a :
SpatialGridDataFrame (R object defined in package sp)
file name of a
GridAscii file - this is an Esri format
2D R matrix or array (rows by
- nameColumnToPlot
name of column containing the data to plot
- numCats
number of categories to put the data in, may be overidden if
catMethod ='pretty'
- catMethod
method for categorisation of data "pretty",
"fixedWidth","diverging", "logFixedWidth","quantiles","categorical", or a
numeric vector defining breaks
- colourPalette
a string describing the colour palette to use, choice
of :
"palette" for the current palette
a vector of
valid colours, e.g. =c('red','white','blue') or output from RColourBrewer
one of "heat", "diverging", "white2Black", "black2White", "topo",
"rainbow", "terrain", "negpos8", "negpos9"
- xlim
map extents c(west,east), can be overidden by mapRegion
- ylim
map extents c(south,north), can be overidden by mapRegion
- mapRegion
a country name from getMap()[['NAME']] or
'world','africa','oceania','eurasia','uk' sets map extents, overrides
- addLegend
whether to add a legend or not
- addBorders
options for country borders, 'low','coarse' = low or
coarse resolution, 'coasts' = coasts only, 'none' or NA for none
- borderCol
the colour for country borders
- oceanCol
a colour for the ocean if the grid values are NA
- landCol
a colour to fill countries if the grid values are NA over
- plotData
whether to plotData, if FALSE a legend can be added on its
- aspect
aspect for the map, defaults to 1, if set to 'variable' uses
same method as plot.Spatial in sp
- lwd
line width for country borders