- inFile
either a gridascii filename or an sp SpatialGridDataFrame
object specifying a global half degree grid dataset, if none specified an
internal example data is used
- aggregateOption
how to aggregate the data ('sum','mean','min','max')
- nameCountryColumn
optional name of column containing country names
(used in reporting of success/failure)
- suggestForFailedCodes
T/F whether you want system to suggest for
failed codes NOT YET WORKING
- projection
deprecated june 2012
- mapResolution
options low, medium, only for projection='none'
- numCats
number of categories, may be overided e.g. if catMethod
- xlim
map extents c(west,east), can be overidden by mapRegion
- ylim
map extents c(south,north), can be overidden by mapRegion
- mapRegion
'world','africa','oceania','eurasia','uk' sets map extents,
overrides we,ea etc.
- catMethod
method for categorisation of data "pretty", any vector
defining breaks, "fixedWidth","quantiles"
- colourPalette
"heat","white2Black","palette":for current palette
- addLegend
whether to add a legend or not T/F
- lwd
line width for country borders