Provides access to the 'xylib' C++ library for to import xy
data from powder diffraction, spectroscopy and other experimental methods,
like gamma-ray spectrometry.
License: GPL-3 | LGPL-2.1 (for the C++ library 'xylib')
Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Ruprecht-Karl-University of Heidelberg (Germany), Johannes Friedrich (University of Bayreuth, Germany), RLum Team (family support), Marcin Wojdyr (maintainer and author of the C++ library xylib
), Peng Zhang (author of the C++ library xylib
Between 2017-2019, the work of Sebastian Kreutzer as maintainer of the package was supported by LabEx LaScArBx (ANR - n. ANR-10-LABX-52).
From 01/2020-04/2022, Sebastian Kreutzer received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844457 (project: CREDit).
Supported data formats:
library version: 1.6.0
[1,] | cpi | Sietronics Sieray CPI | cpi | ascii | single | |
[2,] | uxd | Bruker Diffrac-AT UXD | uxd | ascii | multiple | |
[3,] | rigaku_dat | Rigaku DAT | dat | ascii | multiple | |
[4,] | bruker_raw | Siemens/Bruker RAW | raw | binary | multiple | |
[5,] | bruker_spc | Bruker ESP300-E SPC | spc | binary | single | |
[6,] | vamas | VAMAS ISO-14976 | vms | ascii | multiple | |
[7,] | philips_udf | Philips UDF | udf | ascii | single | |
[8,] | spe | PI WinSpec SPE | spe | binary | multiple | |
[9,] | pdcif | Powder Diffraction CIF | cif | ascii | multiple | |
[10,] | philips_rd | Philips PC-APD RD/SD | rd sd | binary | single | |
[11,] | xrdml | PANalytical XRDML | xrdml | ascii | multiple | |
[12,] | canberra_mca | Canberra MCA | mca dat | binary | single | |
[13,] | canberra_cnf | Canberra CNF | cnf | binary | single | |
[14,] | xfit_xdd | XFIT XDD | xdd | ascii | single | |
[15,] | riet7 | RIET7/LHPM/PSI_DMC | dat | ascii | single | |
[16,] | dbws | DBWS data | dbw rit neu | ascii | single | |
[17,] | chiplot | ChiPLOT data | chi | ascii | single | |
[18,] | spectra | Spectra / VGX 900 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | ascii | multiple | |
[19,] | specsxy | SPECS SpecsLab2 xy | xy | ascii | multiple | |
[20,] | csv | CSV or TSV | csv tsv tab | decimal-comma | ascii | single |
[21,] | xsyg | Freiberg Instruments XSYG | xsyg | ascii | multiple |
Useful links: