readSalmonResultsOneSample: Read Salmon results for a single sample into a list
Read Salmon results for a single sample into a list
character string giving the path to the directory containing
the Salmon results for the sample.
A list with two elements: (1) a data.frame abundance with
columns for 'target_id' (feature, transcript, gene etc), 'length' (feature
length), 'est_counts' (estimated feature counts), 'tpm' (transcripts per
million) and possibly many columns containing bootstrap estimated counts;
and (2) a list run_info with details about the Salmon run that
generated the results.
The directory is expected to contain results for just a single
sample. Putting more than one sample's results in the directory will result
in unpredictable behaviour with this function. The function looks for the
files (with the default names given by Salmon) 'quant.sf',
'stats.tsv', 'libFormatCounts.txt' and the sub-directories 'logs' (which
contains a log file) and 'libParams' (which contains a file detailing the
fragment length distribution). If these files are missing, or if results
files have different names, then this function will not find them.